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  • indigenous-perspecitves
Activity: Entrepreneurship Interview with Mark Marsolais-Nahweghbow
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0.0 stars

Indigenous Peoples have indicated that financial education is a priority for them and complements other training programs in their communities. . To be successful, financial literacy interventions must be community driven, created by and for Indigenous Peoples. These videos and activities allow students to explore the story of a social entrepreneur and leader who values financial literacy and gives back through his business to help his Indigenous community create a better tomorrow.First Nations entrepreneur Mark Marsolais-Nahwegahbow works hard to ensure his family’s financial wellness while making a real impact on his community. He founded a social enterprise that brings fresh drinking water to Indigenous families across Canada. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0A-6JzC0IcwThe activities include multiple choice, vocabulary, short answer and open ended questions giving the students an opportunity to review advice on being an entrepreneur, giving back to your community and providing for your family and future.  

Financial Literacy
Indigenous Perspectives
Material Type:
Cindy Lowe
Date Added:
We Are Fire: A Toolkit for Applying Indigenous-led Fire Practices and Western Fire Management in the Saskatchewan River Delta
0.0 stars

This is an excellent resource for understanding cultural burning and the importance of fire in First Nations communities.

From the website:
The resources, wise practices and lessons learned shared in the We are Fire Toolkit are based on interviews and a literature review carried out by the Muskrats to Moose Project Team on Indigenous-led fire practices and settler and state-led fire management in the Saskatchewan River Delta in Saskatchewan, Canada.

The Muskrats to Moose: Braiding Cultural Burning and Western Fire Management Project is being carried out by the following team members:

English Language Arts
Indigenous Perspectives
Material Type:
Primary Source
BFA Tom Spetter
BSc Donald W. McKay Graham Strickert
CCC Renée Carrière
German and British descent Amy Cardinal Christianson
MEd Solomon Carrière Tanya Gadsby
PhD Chris Dallyn
PhD Laura Chaboyer Madeline Walker
PhD Michela Carrière Natasha Caverley
RPF Cliff Buettner David Young
Visual Arts (Diploma)
Alex Zahara
Date Added: