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  • sole
Grade 4 SOLE Classroom
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My goal was to transform the learning environment from a traditional atmosphere to a student-led learning experience. Essentially, I have become the facilitator, rather than the knowledge keeper. Students are immersed in inquiry learning.
1. The learning environment has become the third teacher in the classroom and is very important. My classroom is divided into a variety of learning zones:
- Teacher zone (an area near the smart board – could be defined with a carpet and invite kids to come closer)
- Student tables – students work in pods of 4 (which have replaced all the desks)
- Reading corner (leveled books line a bookshelf. Mats and bean bag chairs were purchased)
- Walking lanes – a simple line on the floor where kids can go and wear off a little energy or to get their minds thinking
- Horse shoe table for guided instruction
- Small table for an individual work area
- Bulletin Boards – have consciously tried to have them interactive (RAN Chart and Parking Lot, homemade whiteboards)
2. For student supplies, a caddy is in the middle of each table for shared supplies. All other personal supplies are stored in baskets and put in their lockers

English Language Arts
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