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Open Access Assets Grade 8 Mathematics

This collection houses assets (or resources) from Saskatchewan Distance Learning Centre's Grade 8 Mathematics course. 

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Teaching Math in a First Peoples Context: Grades 8 and 9
0.0 stars

This document is designed to help teachers of Mathematics 8 and 9 in British Columbia (BC) extend their existing practice to incorporate new approaches that make the BC school system more reflective of the realities of First Peoples in this province and improve overall levels of student success when it comes to meeting provincially prescribed standards for mathematics at these grade levels. It is based on the belief that by bringing content, perspectives, and teaching approaches associated with First Peoples into the math classroom, teachers will
- help all students better appreciate the presence and importance of mathematics and
mathematical thinking within all human cultures and activities
- give all students a better sense of the significant place of First Peoples within the historical and
contemporary fabric of this province
- help their Aboriginal students in particular to feel more comfortable in mathematics learning
situations and more motivated to participate and focus – thus becoming able to learn more
effectively, experience increased academic success, and develop numeracy concepts and skills
for lifelong use.

Elementary Education
Material Type:
Open Access Asset
First Nations Education Steering Committee
Date Added:
Volume of Cylinders
0.0 stars

Volume is the amount of space inside a 3-dimensional solid measured in cubic units. Think of volume as the number of cubic units that can fit inside an object. A cubic unit is a cube of a chosen length. Some examples of cubic units are cubic inches (in3), cubic meters (m3), cubic centimeters (cm3) and cubic feet (ft3). These units are chosen based on the unit system used and the size of the object.

Elementary Education
Material Type:
Open Access Asset
CK-12 Foundation
Date Added: