
by Melissa Lander 5 years, 1 month ago

Learning Opportunity: NoveList Plus webinar

This free webinar is an introduction to NoveList Plus a trusted source of expert read-alike recommendations for children, teens and adults.

This database includes:

·       reading recommendations for both fiction and nonfiction; listen-alike recommendations for audiobooks; and, Canadian books and authors.

Users can mix “appeal factors” such as character, illustration, pace, storyline, tone and writing style to find their perfect reading match.

This webinar will be presented by a NoveList Plus trainer on June 6, 2019, from 2-3 p.m. Please register for this event at: https://ebscotraining.webex.com/ebscotraining/k2/j.php?MTID=t3a3dc8f9ebade8f338d85d15e78fbec7.

Contact: Regan Gunningham, regan.gunningham@gov.sk.ca or 306-787-3953.