All resources in PeBL ELA Team

Shakespeare for Everyone! (or use to teach any novel!)

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This resource is full of activities to be done before, during and after reading a play (at grade level!). Shakespeare was meant to be seen and celebrated! The approach should be fun and engaging - and open to even our young students. All activities can be edited to suit your grade level and meet your needs. Many of these would also make excellent book reports for any novel!

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Teaching/Learning Strategy, Homework/Assignment, Unit of Study, Assessment, Reading

Author: Melissa Volekaert Lander

Writing Continuum Saskatchewan Grades 1-12

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Focus The continuum provides an overview of the writing skills, text forms, and strategies for each grade/course. The continuum is not intended to replace the curricula. Content The English Language Arts grades 1–12 compose and create goal is the foundation for this continuum. Compose and Create (CC)—Students will extend their abilities to write to explore and present thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a variety of forms, for a variety of purposes, for a variety of audiences. In addition, outcomes and indicators related to writing inform the continuum. Format The continuum, providing teachers with a grade 1–12 overview of writing, is organized into the following grade groupings: 1–3; 4–6; 7–9; 10–12.

Material Type: Primary Source

Author: Government of Saskatchewan

Writing Rubrics from Saskatchewan

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Background: The Education Sector Strategic Plan (ESSP) is a multi-year (2014-2020), province-wide plan developed collaboratively by the Deputy Minister of Education, the Assistant Deputy Ministers, provincial school division directors of education, and First Nation Education Authority representatives. The ESSP outlines several outcomes. ( The ESSP outcome that underpins the development of the writing rubrics is “By June 2020, 80% of students will be at grade level or above in reading, writing, and math.” Outcome owners directed a group of educators from divisions and First Nations Authorities to create holistic, four-level writing rubrics, Grades 1–12, with levels 3 and 4 being at grade level. The result of that work is the attached rubrics. Content: The holistic writing rubrics are available for all grades, and teachers are encouraged to use the rubrics at all grade levels. However, provincial reporting of writing at grade level will be done for Grades 4, 7, and 9 only. Provincial reporting on writing (Grades 4, 7, 9) will be done once, at the end of the school year.

Material Type: Assessment

Author: Government of Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan Ministry of Education for Provincial Writing Assessment

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This site provides the materials needed to support the provincial writing assessment. Attached Files Include: Eligible Students for Writing Data Collection Writing Continuum 1-12 Writing Rubrics Writing At Grade Level FAQs for the Writing Outcome Prompts Gr 1 - 12 with Context Copyright Permission Form If you have problems accessing this site contact or 1-866-933-8333.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Assessment

Author: Government of Saskatchewan

Think Literacy - Writing Grades 7 to 12

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Generating Ideas: Rapid Writing Setting the Context (What Do My Readers Want to Know?) Adding Content (Pass It On!) Developing and Organizing Ideas: Webbing, Mapping and More Supporting the Main Idea Adding Details Revising and Editing: Reorganizing Ideas Asking Questions to Revise Writing Peer Editing Proofreading Without Partners Writing for a Purpose: Using Templates: Writing a Procedure Writing an Information Report Writing a Business Report Writing an Explanation Posters for Instruction: Writing Generate Ideas Organize Writing Revise and Edit

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson, Teaching/Learning Strategy, Primary Source, Unit of Study

Author: Ontario Ministry of Education

NoRedInk - Teach Writing - Build Better Writers (Gr. 3-12)

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No Red Ink is an online site that helps students specifically with grammar. It gives quizzes and exercises tailored to that students’ interests (sports, celebrities, etc) and offers a number of different differentiated platforms and games. You have to sign up to use this for your students. Some features are locked for paid accounts, but that being said, there are a number of excellent activities for free as well! Students complete a diagnostic test, do the practice and then write an assessment. *grammar *writing prompts *skill building *reading response *bell ringers *exit tickets *fluency *persuasion *informational texts *novel activities

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson, Assessment

Author: noredink