All resources in Westberry Elementary School

Do Schools kill Creativity?

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Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity. Creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson challenges the way we're educating our children. He champions a radical rethink of our school systems, to cultivate creativity and acknowledge multiple types of intelligence.

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy

Strategy Guide: Using Paired Reading to Increase Fluency and Peer Cooperation

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In this strategy, students read aloud to each other, pairing more fluent readers with less fluent readers. Likewise, this strategy can be used to pair older students with younger students to create “reading buddies.” Additionally, children who read at the same level can be paired to reread a text that they have already read, for continued understanding and fluency work. This research-based strategy can be used with any book or text in a variety of content areas, and can be implemented in a variety of ways.

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy, Reading

Strategy Guide: Tracking and Supporting Student Learning With Kid Watching

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In this strategy guide, you’ll learn how to use kidwatching to track and support student learning. Teachers observe and take notes on students’ understanding of skills and concepts and then use the observations to determine effective strategies for future instruction. Yetta Goodman popularized the term kidwatching, the practice of “watching kids with a knowledgeable head” (9). In kidwatching, teachers observe students’ activities, noticing how they learn and what they do to explore their ideas. Teachers then examine anecdotal notes and other evidence to see how and when students engage in learning. After this review, teachers use their observations to differentiate activities to meet the needs of individual students. The strategy is based on “a seek-to-understand stance by attempting to look at life, literacy, and learning through the children’s eyes” (Mills 2). By discovering how students learn, teachers are able to choose the most effective strategies for each pupil.

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy, Reading

Strategy Guide: Making Connections

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Strategic reading allows students to monitor their own thinking and make connections between texts and their own experiences. Students who make connections while reading are better able to understand the text they are reading. It is important for students to draw on their prior knowledge and experiences to connect with the text. Students are thinking when they are connecting, which makes them more engaged in the reading experience. Students gain a deeper understanding of a text when they make authentic connections. However, teachers need to know how to show students how a text connects to their lives, another text they have read, or the world around them. In this strategy guide, you will learn how to model text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world connections for your students so that they may begin to make personal connections to a text on their own.

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy, Reading

ELA 1 Your Curriculum at a Glance

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This Your Curriculum at a Glance document was developed to provide a complete outline of the Saskatchewan ELA 2 curriculum including: unit themes, questions for deeper understanding, must do lists, outcomes and I can statements. This document should be shared with students for transfer of responsibility opportunities.

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy

Authors: Courtney McDonald, Kelli Boklaschuk, Rebekka Burton, Abigail Mahoney, Ashley Greschner, Jodi-Lee James, Shawna Moreside

ELA 4 Your Curriculum At A Glance

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This Your Curriculum at a Glance document was developed to provide a complete outline of the Saskatchewan ELA 4 curriculum including: unit themes, questions for deeper understanding, must do lists, outcomes and I can statements. This document should be shared with students for transfer of responsibility opportunities.

Material Type: Unit of Study

Author: Shawna Moreside

Free Online Math Games

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A great collection of math games online for Preschool to Grade 6. All strands are covered! Look at the left menu to find access to coding, reading and writing and typing activities too! Students can play 3 games for free - then they are done. There are also paid options.

Material Type: Activity/Lab


Gr 1/2: Bulletin Board Activity- What's the Big Idea?

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For the bulletin board activity, I laminated four large "lightbulbs" to hang up. I use these lightbulbs for a variety of purposes; critical thinking, collaboration, big ideas from units of study and important information that students can access quickly. I use this for a variety of different subjects (ELA, Math, Science) and could easily be adapted. The possibilities are endless.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Sun West School Division