DLC Writing Traits Grade 4
Video Lessons:
Expressive Writing Using Strong Verbs
- The accompanying handout has students identify strong action verbs in writing and provides a starter list of action verbs they can use and add to as they write.
- The accompanying handout has students write a descriptive paragraph about a cat using descriptive verbs to make the writing come alive.
- Website with information on using strong verbs https://www.brighthubeducation.com/high-school-english-lessons/14425-writing-with-strong-verbs/
Word Choice - "Painting Word Pictures" - Using Sensory Words
- The accompanying handout provides students with a prompt and graphic organizer to complete a descriptive paragraph about an endangered animal of their choice.
Expressive Writing Using Strong Verbs
- The accompanying handout has students identify strong action verbs in writing and provides a starter list of action verbs they can use and add to as they write.
- The accompanying handout has students write a descriptive paragraph about a cat using descriptive verbs to make the writing come alive.
- Website with information on using strong verbs https://www.brighthubeducation.com/high-school-english-lessons/14425-writing-with-strong-verbs/
Word Choice - "Painting Word Pictures" - Using Sensory Words
- The accompanying handout provides students with a prompt and graphic organizer to complete a descriptive paragraph about an endangered animal of their choice.