Professional Learning Pebbles - Activities to Build Teacher's Foundation Knowledge FNME

Professional Learning Pebbles - Activities to Build Teacher's Foundation Knowledge FNME

This resource guide and facilitator's book was created with Walking Together, Education for Reconciliation and The Alberta Teacher's Association.  

The resource examines Awareness, Acknowledgement, Atonement, Action,  and Truth in Reconciliation.

"Note to Administrators

As you begin to review this document, keep in mind that we should not assume First Nations, Métis and Inuit students, nor First Nations, Métis and Inuit staff in our schools, can be or should be, spokespeople for their communities. When exploring Indigenous issues and reconciliation with staff, be mindful of the health and well being of Indigenous staff members. Think about how to support First Nations, Métis and Inuit teachers and support staff. How do we ensure that they are not singled out, or asked to speak on behalf of all First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples? How do we help them with self care? 

Foundational Knowledge

For detailed content and stories on First Nations, Métis and Inuit foundational knowledge, please access Alberta Education’s Walking Together Digital Resource, The companion, Talking Together a Discussion Guide, contains detailed, one-hour-long lesson plans to guide educators through the information presented in the Walking Together Digital Resource. It is an excellent resource to begin learning about foundational knowledge. Many more short videos and case studies for discussion can be found at the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation at and at Historica Canada"


Learning Pebbles

Download: PD-WT-19_-_Learning_Pebbles.pdf

Learning Pebbles Facilitator's Guide

Download: Professional_Learning_Pebbles_FG_2019_06_26_nb.pdf

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