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3 Results

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  • core-french-tools
Linguee.com (English-French Dictionary with Pronunciation)
0.0 stars

A free, online, English-French dictionary with the pronunciation of French words!

For pronunciation help: type in the word you are searching for (in French or English), hit Enter or click the magnifying glass/search button - or click on the best result from the live search suggestions that will appear - and press the speaker button beside the result.

This dictionary also has a standard English-to-French and French-to-English search function.

*There are a lot of ads on this site, but it has excellent live search suggestions, recognises many phrases (as opposed to single words), and compares your search with (non-reviewed) external sources to give you context from real-world use on the Internet.*

**Remember that the site's web-based external sources are no more filtered than anything else on the Internet (or most dictionaries, for that matter)!**

Language Education
Material Type:
Primary Source
DeepL SE
Date Added:
WordReference.com (English-French Dictionary with Pronunciation)
0.0 stars

A free, online, English-French dictionary with the pronunciation of French words in Canadian and/or France French accents!

For pronunciation help: type in the word you are searching for (in French), hit Enter or click the magnifying glass/search button, and press the speaker button that says 'ECOUTER' beside the result. For common words, you can also choose between a FRANCE French or CANADA French accent in the dropdown menu next the 'ECOUTER' button!

This dictionary also has a standard English-to-French and French-to-English search function.

*There are a lot of ads on this site, but it has a large free database of words with recorded pronunciations in both French and Canadian accents.*

**Remember that a dictionary is not a censored book/resource!**

Language Education
Material Type:
Primary Source
Date Added: