This section contains the full PDF version of Money and Youth and Teacher Guides for each Module and Money and Youth Connections to Financial Literacy 20 and 30 Curriculum Modules. Module 1: Your Money Decisions: Who's in Control, Module 2: Your Goals and Your Values, Module 3: Your Goals: Some Things To Consider, Module 4: Decision-making, Module 5: Sources Of Income, Module 6: Career Under Construction: Investing In You, Module 7: Are You an Entrepreneur?, Module 8: Money Basics, Module 9: Taking Control Of Your Money, Module 10: Spending On Major Purchases, Module 11: Borrowing Money, Module 12: Getting And Managing Credit, Module 13: Putting Your Money To Work – Saving And Investing, Module 14: Protecting Assets – And Planning For Financial Independence
- Subject:
- Financial Literacy
- Material Type:
- Activity/Lab
- Assessment
- Homework/Assignment
- Lesson
- Module
- Author:
- Cindy Lowe
- Date Added:
- 09/04/2024