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  • parent-advice
Articles: Parents pass down financial habits to their kids
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A sample of 1,014 parents of 8 to 14 year olds nationally and their kids, analyzed parent attitudes and behaviors that were associated with kids' financial habits. The survey found that positive money behaviors and expectations among kids are often associated with parents' decision to let their kids decide how to save and spend their money on their own. as well as modeling good financial habits. Conversely, troubling financial habits among kids were more frequently seen when parents have a troubling history with money. 

Financial Literacy
Material Type:
Cindy Lowe
Date Added:
Tips for Reading Aloud to Your Children
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From bringing you closer as you share stories to having a special time together at the end of the day, reading aloud to your children has many benefits. Reading isn’t just a part of the school day but a lifelong practice you can reinforce and celebrate at home. You can share favorite books, explore new titles, and read aloud together.

What does it look like to read aloud to your children? A child who might not read independently can sit with you side-by-side as they listen to you read a picture book. Independent readers might take turns reading aloud a chapter book with you as you explore a favorite book from your childhood. The possibilities are endless!

In this blog post, Monica Burns has nine tips for reading aloud to your children. Reading aloud can happen at any age.

Early Childhood Development
English Language Arts
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Monica Burns
Date Added: