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  • sp5-3
Guided Math Upper Elementary
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Guided math is about having students work and learn at their own pace, place and choice. Being that students work at their own pace they are provided a variety of choice within learning strategies and learning environments.

Environment: Students have choice of where they want to work and how they want to work. They are able to work at their desks, at a table, on the couch/carpet or at the computers. They are able to choose to work alone, work with technology, work with a pair or work with a teacher.

Learning: At the beginning of each outcome students receive a document which is very structured information about where they are and where they need to go. This document also displays student achievement. **see below** Each student keeps their work in a file folder at the front of the classroom. At the beginning of every class students take their file folder to their desk and begin working. Students are guided to seek their own understanding by using their textbook, an iPad or a peer. The resources used are Saskatchewan Outcome Based Assessments, Sun West Moodle, Mathletics, ePearson textbooks and Math Makes Sense Textbooks.

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