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5 GAP Transfer of Responsibility

This collection houses resources to explain and support the use of The Transfer of Responsibility or ToR.  The Transfer of Responsibility from teacher to learner is a process that requires deliberate, gradual and intentional effort from both parties. It involves gradually shifting the responsibility for learning from the teacher to the learner, as the learner gains knowledge and skills. This process can be facilitated through strategies such as scaffolding and guided instruction, which involve providing support and guidance to the learner as they develop their skills and knowledge. As the learner becomes more competent, the teacher gradually withdraws their support, allowing the learner to take on a more active role in the learning process.

The transfer must always begin with explicit instruction where the teacher models the desired skill (I do), to a place where students can safely practice the new skill with the teacher (we do). Ultimately, when the student is ready (this could take a great deal of time), you can move to the student taking on full responsibility for their learning (you do). This gradual transfer of responsibility supports the learner's development into a capable and independent learner.

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