All resources in French Project

Créer son propre balado (Parlons sciences)

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« Les élèves en apprendront davantage sur la création de contenu en ligne et créeront leur propre balado. -Les élèves en apprendront davantage sur les créateurs et créatrices de contenu et les types de médias qu’ils et elles créent. -Les élèves planifieront, créeront et monteront un balado. -Les élèves évalueront les balados des autres élèves et réfléchiront sur leur propre apprentissage. » Matériel proposé: -Fiches de lecture (connaissances préalables), de planification, de comparaison (script vs. synopsis), d'évaluation -Exemples de balados -Astuces, plans de leçon, questions de discussion, activités supplémentaires

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Teaching/Learning Strategy, Assessment, Podcast, Module

Author: Parlons Sciences

Gabarits d’organisateurs graphiques (LearnAlberta)

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« Les organisateurs graphiques suivants peuvent être utilisés à des fins d’enseignement ou d’évaluation. Ils peuvent être téléchargés, adaptés selon vos besoins puis sauvegardés. Des exemples d’utilisation de ces gabarits d’organisateurs graphiques dans le cadre d’une évaluation sont également fournis. »

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Teaching/Learning Strategy, Diagram/Illustration

Authors: Alberta Education, (English-French Dictionary with Pronunciation)

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A free, online, English-French dictionary with the pronunciation of French words! For pronunciation help: type in the word you are searching for (in French or English), hit Enter or click the magnifying glass/search button - or click on the best result from the live search suggestions that will appear - and press the speaker button beside the result. This dictionary also has a standard English-to-French and French-to-English search function. *There are a lot of ads on this site, but it has excellent live search suggestions, recognises many phrases (as opposed to single words), and compares your search with (non-reviewed) external sources to give you context from real-world use on the Internet.* **Remember that the site's web-based external sources are no more filtered than anything else on the Internet (or most dictionaries, for that matter)!**

Material Type: Primary Source

Author: DeepL SE

Compétences pour réussir (Skills/Compétences Canada)

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«Les Compétences pour réussir, anciennement appelées compétences essentielles, ont été identifiées et lancées par le gouvernement du Canada en mai 2021, mettant à jour le cadre existant en réponse à un marché du travail en évolution. Ces 9 compétences sont mises à jour pour refléter l'évolution rapide des besoins et des exigences en matière de compétences: -Calcul -Communication -Collaboration -Résolution de problèmes -Rédaction -Adaptabilité -Lecture -Créativité et innovation -Compétences numériques Elles constituent la base de l'apprentissage de toutes les autres compétences et permettent aux gens d'évoluer dans leur travail et leur vie et de s'adapter aux changements sur le lieu de travail et dans la vie. Vous trouverez ci-dessous de plus amples informations sur ces compétences, ainsi que des cahiers d'exercices, des évaluations, des livrets et bien plus encore ! Ces outils sont conçus pour que les élèves et les enseignants les utilisent dans leurs cours.»

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson, Assessment

Author: Skills/Compétences Canada

Ressources d'apprentissage

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"Trouvez une multitude de ressources de Chatterhigh sur ce site, y compris : la santé mentale la gestion de l'argent les impôts l'exploration de carrière la diversité, l'équité et l'inclusion l'assurance la sécurité au travail les parcours agricoles les parcours industriels les parcours de santé les parcours en ingénierie la cybersécurité"

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson, Unit of Study

Author: chatterhigh

Intuit French Canada: Site officiel

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La plateforme d’Intuit vous aide à avoir une plus grande confiance financière grâce à TurboImpôt, Credit Karma, QuickBooks et Mailchimp. Une personne et une communauté à la fois. Logiciel Intuit gratuit pour les éducateurs et les étudiants. Que vous souhaitiez enseigner ou devenir comptable, aide-comptable ou entrepreneur, vous serez prêt avec les produits Intuit. Enseignement flexible Logiciel gratuit Accès aux ressources

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson, Simulation

Author: Entreprises Intuit ULC

Interland -

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"Interland est un jeu pédagogique destiné aux enfants de 8 à 12 ans (et à leur parents). Cet outil ludique a pour mission de développer l'esprit critique des jeunes internautes au travers de quiz, de puzzles, d'énigmes... et de beaucoup d'action !" "Play your way to Internet Awesome. Interland is an adventure-packed online game that makes learning about digital safety and citizenship interactive and fun—just like the Internet itself. Here, kids will help their fellow Internauts combat badly behaved hackers, phishers, oversharers, and bullies by practicing the skills they need to be good digital citizens."

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Google

Explorer le monde du travail

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Ce site offre des ressources pour planifier et explorer votre futur dans le monde du travail. On y retrouve les sujets suivants: -planifiez votre carrière -explorez l'éducation et la formation -chercher du travail -réussir au travail -questionnaire sur les aptitudes -questionnaire sur les champs d'intérêt

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Reading

Author: Government of Alberta

Me and My School / Moi et mon école (Grade 3 Core French Unit) (Immersion m-3e)

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Provided by the Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation / le Ministère de l'Éducation de la Saskatchewan: 'Students have an opportunity to discuss themselves and their school. During the learning activities, students will explore various topics related to them and their school while preparing a booklet ... students create booklets pertaining to “Me and My School” and present an accompanying role play.'

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson, Teaching/Learning Strategy, Unit of Study, Assessment, Diagram/Illustration

Authors: Kim Engel, Ministère de l'Éducation de la Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation, Stewart Resources Centre

La salle de classe (Grades 1-4 Core French Unit) (Immersion m-3e)

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'Students have an opportunity to learn about the second language classroom in French. During the learning activities, students will become familiar with greetings, classroom objects, colours, and classroom expressions. There are numerous activities to practice classroom routines in French ... students will create a booklet of classroom expressions to be used throughout the year. 'The teacher’s guide includes learning objectives, a list of resources and step-by-step suggestions on how to teach the unit. In addition, the guide includes answer sheets, suggested vocabulary and motivational games, supplementary activities, written text of the listening activity, flashcards, model letter to parents, evaluation grids and activities. 'The student workbook includes the necessary student activity sheets, vocabulary lists, and teacher, peer and self-evaluation grids.'

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson, Teaching/Learning Strategy, Game, Unit of Study, Assessment, Diagram/Illustration

Authors: Lisa Avram-McLean, Ministère de l'Éducation de la Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation, Stewart Resources Centre

Clothing Related to Weather / Les vêtements (Grade 2 Core French Unit) (Immersion m-3)

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"Students have an opportunity to discuss clothing in relation to the environment. During the learning activities, students will become familiar with different weather conditions, record information related to clothing and weather, determine criteria for wearing certain clothing, categorize clothing according to weather conditions, and prepare and present a dialogue related to the topic. For the experiential goal, students will present a mannequin, stuffed animal, doll, etc. dressed according to certain weather conditions and complete a paragraph." Instructions are in English.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson, Unit of Study, Assessment

Authors: Ministère de l'Éducation de la Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation, Stewart Resources Centre, Tara Fischer

Les activités physiques et les amis (Grades 2-4 Core French Unit) (Immersion m-3e)

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'Students have an opportunity to learn about friends and physical activities in French. They will become familiar with the parts of the body, how to describe physical characteristics and traits of people, and discuss popular sports and physical activities that students practice. Numerous motivating activities are included to communicate in French. '...students will create a booklet about a friend and present it to the class. The teacher’s guide includes learning objectives, a list of resources and step-by-step suggestions on how to teach the unit. In addition, the guide includes answer sheets, suggested vocabulary and motivational games, supplementary activities, written text of the listening activity, flashcards, model letter to parents, evaluation grids and activities. 'The student workbook includes the necessary student activity sheets, vocabulary lists, and teacher, peer and self-evaluation grids.' *Instructions are in English.*

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson, Game, Unit of Study, Assessment, Diagram/Illustration

Authors: Ministère de l'Éducation de la Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation, Stewart Resources Centre, Tara Fischer

Ma famille (Grades 3-5 Core French Unit) (Immersion m-3)

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'Students have an opportunity to learn about their families in French. During the learning activities, students will become reacquainted with the “Soleil” family. ' *Instructions are in English.* This is an extensive unit with a great deal of instructional material. The families represented are quite traditional (the resource is from 2001), but adaptations could be made to include a greater diversity of families and individuals.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson, Game, Unit of Study, Assessment, Reading, Diagram/Illustration

Authors: Deanna Himmelspeck, Ministère de l'Éducation de la Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation, Stewart Resources Centre

Planning a Trip (Grade 5 Core French Unit)

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'Students have an opportunity to participate in a variety of learning experiences where they talk about places they’ve visited, discuss their favourite tourist attractions, become aware of various types of transportation, discuss activities they would like to do on a trip, and articles of clothing they would pack for a trip ... students create and present a travel plan for a selected place.' *Instructions are in English.*

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson, Game, Unit of Study, Assessment, Diagram/Illustration

Authors: Candace Meyer, Ministère de l'Éducation de la Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation, Stewart Resources Centre

Des activités dans la cour pour tous! (Jeux)

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Jeux pour les élèves, organisés par âge: des jeux d'observation et d'attention, d'écoute et de mémoire, de réflexion, d'expression, de connaissances générales, de créativité, d'argumentation, et d'expression musicale. *These games could also be used for Core French students, with adaptations - all instructions are in French.*

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Game

Author: Ligue de l'enseignement - Fédération des Bouches-du-Rhône

Les activités / Activities (Unité / Unit)

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Courtesy of Comox Valley Schools (SD71) in B.C., an archived site with a series of excellent kits for middle-grade Core French units that carefully structure and encourage oral communication. Some elements would be adaptable for younger or older grades, and/or useful in immersion! THIS KIT'S THEME: Les activités (Activities) « After asking and answering questions together as a class, students can then move between stations. These stations are not sequential, but rather provide practice communicating about each theme in different ways. The station titles ... are: Station A. Memoire / Memory game Station B. Icônes / Icons Station C. Un sondage / Survey Station D. Mon activité préférée / My Preferred Activity Station E. Les bulles / Bubbles Station F. Objets d’activités / Activity objects Station G. Jeux/Games: Partenaires/Chercher les mots »

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Game, Unit of Study, Simulation, Reading, Diagram/Illustration

Authors: Cheryl Adebar, Comox Valley Schools, Joan Pearce, Noah Burdett, Terri Ingram

Who Are You? / Qui es-tu? (Unit / Unité)

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This thematic unit from Comox Valley Schools (SD71) in B.C. is aimed at Grade 5 Core French students, but is suitable for younger grades and would be easily adaptable for older ones. It is focused on oral practice and participation and would also be useful in French Immersion classes!Content Authors: Comox Valley Schools, Learn71

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson, Primary Source, Game, Unit of Study, Reading, Diagram/Illustration

Author: Inari Vaissi Nagy