All resources in Sask French Teachers


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Welcome to Learn French With Vincent, where you will find a wealth of resources and expertise to help you master the French language. Vincent, a French native speaker fluent in three languages, has been teaching French for over 25 years. In 2007, he started his YouTube channel with the belief that video was an effective tool for teaching French as a foreign language, and since then has never wavered in his conviction.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson, Primary Source

Authors: Learn French with Vincent, youtube

French Listening Comprehension / Exercices d'écoute en ligne (

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'Select one of the texts from the list. You can choose from ... different topics and levels of difficulty. 'Open the online player and start the audio file. 'Listen to the audio recording and focus carefully on understanding the text. 'Try to answer the comprehension questions. Did you fully understand the text?' *The reading speed can be adjusted for all parts of the site where oral readings are available (mostly the Listening and Dictation exercises).* / « CHOISISSEZ LE TEXTE... « Sélectionnez votre texte audio préféré parmi les ... propositions disponibles... « ÉCOUTEZ VOTRE FICHIER AUDIO... « Enclenchez la lecture du fichier audio sélectionné et démarrez votre entraînement oral... « TESTEZ VOTRE COMPRÉHENSION... « ...répondez aux questions posées. Simple et accessible, ce questionnaire vous permet de valider votre bonne compréhension orale du texte. » *Le débit de lecture peut être réglé pour tous les extraits lus à l'oral (qui se trouvent principalement parmi les exercices d'Écoute et de Dictée).*

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson, Assessment

Authors:, Tim Seeger

Festival du Voyageur (Core French unit)

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This is a core French unit developed for grades 4 and 5 that studies the Festival du Voyageur and discusses other French festivals across Canada. Students have an opportunity to learn about the voyageurs and their travels. Students will discover the leisure activities, food and clothing of the voyageurs. They will visit the website of the Festival du Voyageur that is held each year in Saint-Boniface, Manitoba. For the experiential goal, students will create and organize a “voyageur” afternoon including a brochure or poster and an oral presentation. The teacher’s guide includes learning objectives, a list of resources and step-by-step suggestions on how to teach the unit.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson, Unit of Study, Reading

Author: Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation

Pâques (Easter) Core French

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Students have an opportunity to learn about Easter in French. During the learning activities, students will become familiar with Easter vocabulary, discuss the origin and meaning of Easter, and play numerous games to reinforce the vocabulary. They even do a hunt on the Internet related to Easter. For the experiential goal, students will plan and perform an Easter egg hunt. The teacher’s guide includes learning objectives, a list of resources and step by step suggestions on how to teach the unit. In addition, the guide includes answer sheets, suggested vocabulary and motivational games, supplementary activities, flashcards, model letter to parents, evaluation grids and activities, and website addresses. For elementary students from grades 4-6.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson, Reading

Author: Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation

A guide to Reflective Practice for Core French Teachers

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This module is intended to support elementary and secondary Core French teachers in promoting students’ success through effective and constructive assessment and evaluation of their learning. It draws on relevant research and the experiences of Core French teachers, and provides suggestions for planning assessment and evaluation, as well as for reflection on practice.

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy, Reading

Author: Service des programmes d'études Canada


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" Incredibox est une application musicale qui te permet de composer de la musique en manipulant une bande de beatboxers délirants. Choisis ton style musical parmi 8 ambiances impressionnantes et commence à créer, enregistrer et partager ton mix." "Incredibox (also stylized as INCREDiBOX) is a beatboxing-based music video game, which is created, developed, and published by the French company, So Far So Good (SFSG). The concept of the game is users dragging and dropping sound icons on different characters to make music."

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: So Far So Good