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ELA 9: All That I Am
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Students between the ages of 12-16 are changing in every conceivable way. They are discovering who they are and what they value. This makes the years of early adolescence the ideal time to support students’ growing moral consciousness through units of study that challenge them to identify, discuss, and address significant societal issues. The resource attached includes an assignment about "All That I Am".

English Language Arts
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ELA 9: Conflict & Choices
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Whether at home, in school, or in society, we all face conflicts, challenges, and issues. Although these conflicts, challenges, and issues develop for many different reasons, they force us to make choices if we are to do the right thing. Doing the right thing is always a challenge. Is it better to do the right thing and fail or do the wrong thing and succeed? By considering how others have dealt with similar conflicts, challenges, and issues, we can learn how to do the right thing. By reflecting on the conflicts, challenges, and issues and the choices that we have, we can face and address life and the world around us. This resource includes lesson plans for outcomes regarding comprehend and respond, compose and create, assess and reflect.

English Language Arts
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ELA 9: Independent Reading Project
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One of the outcomes of Grade 9 English Language Arts requires you to read a variety of information texts including expository essays, historical accounts, news articles, and scientific writing. This project will allow you to make choices about what and how you read. This will also help us to practice a second outcome which requires you to use before, during and after reading strategies.

English Language Arts
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ELA 9: Indigenous and Norse Narratives
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The unit is organized around five focus questions with sample lessons and suggested resources included. (Time allocations given are approximations only. Teachers can choose to spend more or less time on each lesson depending on the needs and interests of their students.)

English Language Arts
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ELA A10: Blog Project
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Your blog project is intended to serve several purposes and fill many objectives:
-To express your response to the sub-units and literature
-To relate the unit and literature topics to literature / movies / music that suits your own personality and tastes
-To share these with an audience – your peers
-To compose writing in an authentic setting
-To develop a voice in your writing
-To link to websites and sources with related materials
-Revise and polish compositions
-Share and present compositions
-Write engaging introductions
-Develop ideas, rather than just restate them.
-Demonstrate coherence and smooth writing using transitions
-Organize ideas in multi-paragraph compositions
-Compose suitable endings
-Analyze and evaluate each other’s writing
-Write for variety of purposes:
-Reflect, clarify, explore ideas
-Express understanding
-Express self
-Create and entertain

English Language Arts
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ELA A10: Challenges Unit Plan
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Foundational stories are ways of making sense of life, of examining our past, of understanding our present, and of envisioning our future. Fate and destiny may play a role in our lives. Wherever we go, we meet life’s challenges. As we meet those challenges, we develop the qualities that enable us to grow, and we anticipate other critical challenges we may encounter. Challenges benefit both society and each individual; for without challenges, neither society nor the individual can move forward. Every challenge a society encounters provides opportunities for that society to examine issues, to foster the exchange of ideas, and to explore ways to rise to the challenge. The challenges we encounter lead us to examine our existence and to make decisions that shape our society and ourselves. The world influences us, and we, in turn, influence the world. The following documents include a unit plan for challenges.

English Language Arts
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Unit of Study
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ELA A10: Criteria Rubrics
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The following rubric covers Comprehend and Respond- Organization and Technique.
The following rubric covers evaluation and goal setting.
The following rubric covers criteria necessary for a multi-media presentation.
The following rubric covers the criteria necessary for a good comic strip.
The following rubric covers criteria necessary for students to be able to present information using non-print aids, adapt production techniques and analyze and convert information to different forms.
The following rubric covers the criteria for a "Successful Talk".
The following rubric covers the criteria necessary for writing a personal narrative essay.
The following rubric covers the criteria for writing an inquiry report.
The following rubric covers the criteria for writing a historical persona essay.
The following rubric covers the criteria for writing a good review.
The following rubric covers the criteria for writing a legend.
The following rubric covers comprehension and response.
The following rubric covers the criteria for a good listener response.
The following rubric covers comprehension and response- critically responding.
The following rubric covers literature circle assessment.
The following is an Independent Novel Study outline.

English Language Arts
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ELA A10: Mysteries of Life Unit Plan
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In explorations that engage our mind, body, and spirit, we find joy and fulfillment. Life is filled with mysteries from the extraordinary to the common. The human brain, for example, is a fascinating yet mysterious subject. Its endless capabilities, such as storing memories and imagining possibilities within and beyond this world, continue to amaze and confound us. We wonder how memory shapes us, and we speculate on the role of destiny in our lives. Our memories are significant to who we become. For centuries, humans have searched for answers to life’s mysteries; even now, as we explore and ponder these mysteries, we discover and encounter different ways of knowing (natural, traditional, scientific, aesthetic, religious, mystical) or explaining those mysteries. We seek answers from nature, environment, science, faith, traditions, etc. On our quest for answers, we journey into worlds unknown: worlds within, worlds beyond, and worlds remembered.
This unit is divided into four sub-themes:
-The Joys of Mind, Body, and Spirit
-The Mysteries of the Human Brain and Imagination
-Mysteries of this World and Beyond
-The Fantastic

English Language Arts
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Unit of Study
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ELA A30: Canada Assignments
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You Speak Canadian, eh! Assignment:
Students work together to come up with their own "Canadianisms" and make a skit.
What is the Canadian Indentity? Assignment.
Students answer questions on what it means to be Canadian, Canadian stereotypes, etc.
Canadian Bacon: A Canadian Film
Canadian Bacon is a comedy that makes fun of the Canadian and American relationship, as well as their culture or better yet our stereotypes. This film was directed by Michael Moore, the same director who created Bowling for Columbine and Fahrenheit 9-11.
Purpose of viewing:
-To collect examples that will add to your understanding of what you believe the Canadian Identity to be.
-To identify the intended audience and the message Michael Moore wanted to achieve
-To make personal connections to the film as a Canadian.

English Language Arts
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ELA A30: I Can Statements
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This resource includes I Can statements that cover:
- View, listen, read, comprehend, and respond to a variety of grade-appropriate First Nations, Metis, Saskatchewan, and Canadian texts that address identity, social responsibility, and social action.
-View and evaluate critically information and ideas obtained from First Nations, Metis, Saskatchewan, and Canadian visual and multimedia texts, including an advertisement, news broadcast, poster, and film.
-Listen to, comprehend, and develop coherent and plausible interpretations of grade-appropriate literary and informational texts created by First Nations, Metis, Saskatchewan, and Canadian speakers and authors from various communities.
-Read, demonstrate comprehension of, and apply knowledge from grade-appropriate informational (including editorials, reviews, and articles) and literary (including fiction, script, poetry, and non-fiction) texts from First Nations, Metis, Saskatchewan, and Canadian authors as a basis for understanding self and the multiplicity of voices and perspectives that make up Canadian culture.
-Create a range of visual, multimedia, oral, and written texts that explore identity, social responsibility, and social action.
- Create and present visual and multimedia representations including using photographs to explain a range of contemporary course-related perspectives or landscapes.
- Present and express a range of ideas and information in formal (including a panel presentation and a business or community meeting) and informal (including discussions and collaborative work) situations for differing audiences and purposes.
- Create a variety of informational (including an inquiry / research paper and an editorial) and literary (including a real or invented narrative and a literary criticism essay) texts that are appropriate to a variety of audiences and purposes including informing, persuading, and entertaining.
- Assess own work for precision, clarity, and artistry.
-Reflect on personal growth and successes in language learning and consider the role and importance of language learning when developing personal goals and plans as a self-directed, curious, self-appraising, and open-minded learner.

English Language Arts
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ELA A30: Poetry Analysis
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Now it is your turn to analyze a poem. The purpose of this assignment is to connect poetry (the written) with photos (the visual). Each student will select one poem from the list and create a power point presentation (or some similar format; prezi etc.) using various photos to highlight the theme(s), content, and context of the poem. Each student will be required to present his/her ideas to the class.

English Language Arts
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ELA B10:  Of Mice and Men- Visual Representation Lesson
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This lesson is applicable after reading Chapter 2 of the novel "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck. Upon completion of reading Chapter 2, have students close their eyes as the teacher reads aloud the first paragraph. Encourage the students to note all of the specific details that the author inserts into the paragraph and visualize the setting of the novel.

English Language Arts
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ELA B10: Rubrics/Criteria/Outlines
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The following is an outline for an independent novel study.
The following is a list of general writing requirements.
The following is a unit outline for Justice and Fairness as sub theme for Equity and Ethics, along with a rubric.
The following rubric covers Comprehend and Respond- Assessment Plan.
The following rubric covers Compose and Create- Knowledge and Use of Strategies (representing, speaking and writing).
The following rubric covers Comprehend and Respond- Responds with Support from Text.
The following is a list of "I Can" statements for outcomes and indicators.
The following is a rubric for oral presentations.

English Language Arts
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ELA B30: Assess and Reflect Activities
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This activity was designed to be used in the ELA B30 Distance Learning Course on Moodle. It could easily be adapted to use within a face-to-face classroom. The ability for students to assess their own writing and reflect on their strengths and weaknesses is an important component of the ELA B30 course. Currently, the AR activities are embedded within the section work in the course but many students miss doing these reflections or don’t see the connections between assessing their responses and how this leads to better learning in the future. The new assessment and reflection package is designed to help students set goals that they wish to work towards in ELA B30 and have them measure how well they are achieving those goals.

English Language Arts
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ELA Genius Hour
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
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The goal of Genius Hour was to get students more engaged in the learning process and to help instill the idea of lifelong learning. Students were asked to brainstorm what their passion was. Students then had to develop an inquiry question related to their passion. Then they had to decide how they would like to show what they learned. Then, students spent time researching about their projects. They were given one hour each Friday to work on their projects. It was an exciting project that students looked forward to working on each week! Because these projects were quite large, they did not all finish at the same time. As students complete their projects, they were able to present what they did to the class.

English Language Arts
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ELA Outcomes, Themes & Topics
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AssThe suggested activities in this document are examples of activities/strategies/teachings that could be done, referring to outcomes with access and reflect for ELA grades 6-9.

The suggested activities in this document are examples of activities/strategies/teachings that can be done to achieve the compose and create outcome, for ELA grades 6-9.

The following are suggested activities, lessons, strategies that can be done to achieve the comprehend and respond outcomes for ELA Grades 6- 9.

The following is contexts, suggested themes and topics for middle level ELA units. (Grades 6-9)

The following is a list of unit/theme topics for ELA Grades 1-5.

The following is a list of ELA topics for Grades 10-12.

The following is language cues or conventions for ELA Grades 1-5.

The following is a list of unpacked outcomes for ELA Grades 6-9 and steps for doing so.

English Language Arts
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