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Grade 10 - Foundations and Pre-Calculus 10 - Irrational Numbers (FP10.2) Assessment - Wendy Ruten
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Outcome FP10.2 – Demonstrate an understanding of irrational numbers in both radical (including mixed radical) and exponent forms through: representing: identifying: simplifying: ordering: relating to rational numbers: applying exponent laws.


In groups of 5-6, create a project to demonstrate mastery of the above outcome. You may create a poster, PowerPoint, prezi, video, etc… if you have another idea, ask your teacher for approval. Create your project as if you are teaching this outcome to another student – what would they need to know and what examples would be useful?

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Grade 11/12 Industrial Arts and Computer Assisted Drafting - Anthony Prima
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This assessment piece was from the first unit of a first time course my co-op teacher and I developed. The course teaches construction and computer assisted design through building guitars. For this project students were asked to create a guitar model based on the Fender Telecaster. It assessed skills we had been working on for about a month prior to this assessment. Their models for this particular assignment would have to be compared to exemplars and blueprints as accuracy is of extremely high importance when building a guitar. There was other projects leading up to the unit that assessed their technical as well as creative skills.
This is a 4 point rubric (unsatisfactory, emerging, proficient, and exceptional) and assess Drafting modules 27 and 28 that focus on interpreting blueprints and creating high quality models. The first of 7 C's this rubric assesses is Communication. Students are being assessed on their competency and literacy of CAD programs and how professionals would be communicating in the field. The second C this rubric covers is developing computer and digital technologies. Students, through completing this unit are using computers and digital resources to create products.

Practical & Applied Arts
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Grade 11- ELA 20- Words of Wisdom Project- Kelci Little
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I designed this assessment piece during my internship to fit into our unit on the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. This three part assignment was one that covered two outcomes; Outcome: CR 20.2, as well as Outcome: CC 20.1. Because of the combination of comprehend and respond as well as compose and create, students were able to fully explore their ideas in different mediums and situations and work towards the end goal in a new way. While reading the novel, students were continually writing down significant quotes in their Writer’s Notebooks in order to fully grasp the important parts of the novel. This was expanded upon when students would share their quotes with one another and discuss why they found them to be significant. This correlates to the competency of developing collaboration, and this collaboration was expanded upon when students were asked to talk to different individuals in their own lives to receive important life advice. This also enhanced their communication skills as students had to talk to multiple individuals for the second part of the assignment, and then interview one of the individuals in depth for the third part of the assignment. Through the process of creating their Life’s Little Instructions Book they had to be creative and expand upon their digital technologies in order to research and incorporate pearls of wisdom from other resources. The main reason for having this three-part assignment was to really get students thinking about the significance certain excerpts from the novel and how they relate to their lives today. By continuing with the assignment through different assessments (analysis, instruction book and story-telling), students become critical thinkers within the context of their own minds while also given the opportunity to really expand on an idea. Each assessment piece in this assignment combines student inquiry, collaboration and critical thinking which is an important aspect of 21st Century teaching. Overall the students really enjoyed the assignment and the products created were very well done!

Task: Your assignment is to create your own Life’s Little Instructions Book. Your booklet must contain the following:

1. Five (or more) pearls of wisdom from To Kill a Mockingbird.

2. Ten (or more) pearls of wisdom from wise people in your world. Consider asking your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, neighbors, teachers, coaches, etc.

3. Ten (or more) pearls of wisdom from research sources, including other novels, books, newspapers, websites, television shows, movies, song lyrics, and speeches.

4. Five (or more) pearls of your own. Consider what you have learned thus far in your life. What advice can you offer?

Reminder: Quotes can be philosophical (“Never cut what can be untied”), practical (“Always own a good dictionary”), or humorous (“Never eat yellow snow”).

English Language Arts
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Grade 11- Health Science 20- Final exam - Kayla MacKay
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Created July 25, 2018 by , userSun West School Division
This assessment was designed to be the Grade 11 Health science 20 final(instead of the traditional written final). Through out the year the students were given paper test, projects, and labs to show their learning. We found that the students in this particular class benefitted more from hands on learning, while having book based learning as well. This was the first year it was taught at the school I interned in and with my background as a EMT the administration asked if I could assist the teacher with this course. This is a high school level assessment, so the rubric included was done on a three point scale. The students were given an over all mark and then it was covered to a percentage. We tried to use the same rubric that we had used all year, that way the students knew what to expect and how they would be marked. One thing the students had say over what which diseases they wanted to be tested on. This followed their presentations on a current medical conditions and the diagnoses and treatment of these conditions. We gave them an exemplar of what we would be expecting during the final and that they would be given a 20-30 min time limit to complete the final assessment. I have also included the final exam situation that we developed as a class. This final took more time then a traditional 3 hour final would. We worked out time slots for each student and worked it around their other finals. It was more time consuming for us, but the overall outcome was greater than anticipated.

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Grade 1: All About Owls
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Students were excited to learn about Owls in their habitats, different kinds of owls, and their characteristics! Being able to explain why they achieved or how they achieved the mark they did make them eager to go and correct (add more details to picture) or know exactly what they had to do because they came up with the leveling system.

English Language Arts
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Grade 1 Arts Ed - Music Strand
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I can statements and online resources to incorporate virtual instruments into the music classroom. Suggested summative assessment included. (posted by Jade Ballek - April, 2013)

Arts Education
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Grade 1: Birthdays Around the World
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Katrina Robertson and Susan Wiebe

Grade one Walter Aseltine School

Social Studies


IN1.1 I can tell about traditions and celebrations in my family and my classmates’ families.

IN1.2 I can tell how families around the world are the same and different.

Our project was to have our students compare birthday celebrations in other countries with those of their own. Students learned about birthdays in 3 other countries and then planned and carried out birthday parties that they hosted and attended. The parties were recorded on ipads. At the end they had to self-assess their role.

This activity takes at least 8 lessons.

Social Studies
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Grade 1 Dance Activities
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This document leads teachers and students through the 5 elements of dance. Includes teacher version, student handout and assessment checklist

Arts Education
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Grade 1 Science Outcomes
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The following powerpoint contains outcome print-outs for the following:
- Life Science: Needs and Characteristics of Living Things
- Physical Science - Using Objects and Materials
- Physical Science - Using Our Senses
- Earth and Space Science - Daily and Seasonal Changes

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Grade 2/3: Comparing Countries Unit
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This lesson is designed as a summative assessment at the end of the Comparing Countries Unit. The students will celebrate the end of the unit by participating in a Mexican Fiesta Day. The teacher can choose to prepare a Mexican dish for the class, or provide treats for the students. The teacher can also allow students to dress up, listen to Mexican music and/or participate in Mexican styled games if time permits. Students will be required to present their final project in a positive and exciting environment. The students will be given a choice board of project options prior to Mexican Fiesta Day.

Students will be required to answer a minimum of 5 of the key questions in whichever project option they’ve selected. How they express and present the information will be manipulated into the project of their choice.

Social Studies
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Grade 2 ELA Rubrics
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The following resources are rubrics on:
- Language Cues Conventions (viewing, listening and reading)
- Comprehend and Respond
- Reading Fluency
- Listening
- Reading
- Using Strategies
- Viewing

English Language Arts
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Grade 2: Hands on Science Series
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This series provides an opportunity to link science to other subject areas, such as ELA, Art and Health. Please note that this resource will need to be supplemented as not every indicator is included in the lessons.
The following charts reflect the lessons from the Hands-On Science resource and their matching outcome(s) and indicator(s).
This resource has four instructional units:
- Unit 1: Growth and Changes in Animals
- Unit 2: Properties of Solids, Liquids, and Gases
- Unit 3: Position and Motion
- Unit 4: Air and Water in the Environment

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