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  • net-worth
All Financial Literacy Resources for Teachers
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Educational Use
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Folders upon folders of excellent financial literacy teaching materials!

"It is recommended to start planning instruction with the Teacher’s Guides in each module. If you are seeking a specific resource, scroll below to search."

Financial Literacy
Practical & Applied Arts
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Saskatoon Industry Education Council
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DLC Open Access Financial Literacy 20 - Unit 1
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

The following resource contains the assets (or resources) to accompany the Sask DLC Financial Literacy 20 course - Unit 1. Please note that this is not the content of the course, but the assets used to support and deliver it.  

Financial Literacy
Practical & Applied Arts
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Melissa Lander
Cindy Lowe
Date Added:
Lesson Plans: Money Stories with an Indigenous Lens
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Money Stories is a series of 8 lessons dealing with financial matters of everyday life. The Money Stories Program originated when Elders at the Aboriginal Seniors Resource Centre (in Winnipeg, MB) had the idea that money management training should be taught to Indigenous youth with a focus on Indigenous values, culture, and traditional teachings. The Money Stories Curriculum was then developed and tweaked by current and past SEED Winnipeg Inc. staff.Everyone is welcome to review the Money Stories Curriculum presented here. Note: the attached materials are read-only.  SEED Winnipeg Inc. kindly requests that organizations contact them directly via email or phone to request a printable version of the instructor’s manual and to order printed versions of the workbook (there will be a fee to recover costs for the workbook).  Interested organizations should have like-minded goals and values that support individuals in any of these areas: financial empowerment, education, job readiness, or life skills training.  Someone with facilitation experience is an asset.

Financial Literacy
Indigenous Perspectives
Material Type:
Cindy Lowe
Date Added:
Net Worth & Budgeting for Indigenous & Non-Indigenous People
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This content covers budgeting and net worth elements that influence financial decisions. Uniquely tailored to Indigenous students’ experiences and histories, Financial Empowerment covers a wide range of topics in financial planning, personal finance, and financial decision-making. Threaded throughout with Indigenous and Canadian content, videos with Elders are also included, offering students their perspectives to enhance the learning experience.

Financial Literacy
Indigenous Perspectives
Material Type:
Cindy Lowe
Date Added:
Video: FUNNY MONEY - Long Term Wealth
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Educational animation about credit card debt - part of a series about basic money management for students. These clips were made to complement talks given by comedian James Cunningham. (The character in the cartoon is indeed a real guy)

Financial Literacy
Material Type:
Funny Money
Jeff Cunningham
Date Added:
Video: How to Calculate Your Net Worth
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

One of the basic calculations that you should be able to do is figuring out your Net Worth. Once you can do that, you can start to monitor it over time to help see how well you are managing your finances.

Financial Literacy
Material Type:
Preet Banerjee
Date Added:
Video: What is Equity?
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

What is Equity? Equity is a term used in accounting, in real estate and home-ownership, in investing, as well as in startup financing and valuation. The meaning of the term equity is very similar in the various areas where it is used, so it will be good to review all four of these to get the best understanding.

In accounting, equity is a term that you will find on the balance sheet. What you own is on the left: assets. What you owe is on the right: liabilities and equity. Equity is the book value of the shareholder capital. The accounting equation tells you that assets equal liabilities plus equity. That also means that equity equals assets minus liabilities.

Equity on a balance sheet goes up when a company is profitable: the net income for the year gets added to equity through retained earnings. Equity on a balance sheet goes down when the company is loss-making (losses “eat up” the equity), or when the company pays a dividend to its shareholders.

Equity in home-ownership works very similar to equity on the balance sheet. What we own is on the left: the house worth $500.000. What we owe is on the right: $400.000 of mortgage loan from the bank, and the owner of the house, Jim, has $100.000 of equity in the house. Equity in home-ownership is what a home is worth minus how much you owe to the bank.

Just like equity on the balance sheet of a company can go up or down, the equity that you have in your home can go up or down. If Jim is paying down the mortgage on his house by $50.000, then the amount of the loan outstanding will decrease and his equity in the house will increase. If the market value of the house increases, then Jim’s equity in the house will increase. Remember that equity is what a home is worth minus how much you owe to the bank. If the market value of the house decreases, then Jim’s equity in the house will decrease, or even become negative. Jim will need to have a conversation with the bank to make a remediation plan to get back to positive equity, or in the worst case scenario Jim might lose the ownership of the house and the bank will need to take a partial write-off of its outstanding loan.

Investing in #equity. Remember the example of the small manufacturing business that owned a machine, had a loan from a bank, and equity from one shareholder. What if we make that a big manufacturing business that owns lots of machines at different sites totaling $1 billion, has many loans outstanding totaling $800 million that are publicly traded in the bond market, and has many different shareholders as the certificates of ownership, the equity, is traded publicly as well. As an investor, you have the choice of buying bonds (which would have a predetermined interest rate, and has the machines as collateral), or the choice of buying stocks (which are perceived as having more downside risk as well as more upside potential). Invest in debt, or invest in equity.

Want to track the total return on your stock portfolio (share price increase/decrease plus dividends received), then check out the easy-to-use online portfolio tracker called Sharesight: https://www.sharesight.com/thefinance...

Equity in a startup company. How do you put a “price” on what is essentially so far just an idea, that still has to be developed and will find many ups and downs along the way? The company does not have any assets, liabilities and equity yet. The financing and valuation depend on the estimate of the revenue, profit and cash flow that the business idea might bring in the future. A good way to learn about startup companies in the tech field is the comedy series “Silicon Valley”. What happens if the app you are developing turns out to have a great compression algorithm, you are courted by investors ready to fund you, and your friends and roommates suddenly become your employees while you become the CEO?

Having equity can be a great thing. Equity has potential risks as well as potential rewards. The term equity is used in accounting, in home-ownership, in investing, and in start-up financing and valuation. Probably the easiest metaphor to remember is equity in home-ownership: what a home is worth minus how much you owe to the bank.

Financial Literacy
Material Type:
The Finance Storyteller
Philip de Vroe
Date Added:
Video: What is liquidity?
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Discover what liquidity is, how it differs across various asset types and what you, as a trader, may deduce from this measure. Compare two different areas of liquidity – a liquid market and a liquid asset. In the absence of a specific liquidity formula, consider the two ratios that will help you assess liquidity

Financial Literacy
Material Type:
Date Added: