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March 2024 Musts

This is a collection of resources that can be used throughout the month of March and beyond.

International Women’s Day is observed around the world on March 8th.  You can find resources for teaching about women’s history HERE.

The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is observed on March 21st.  You can find resources to support eliminating discrimination HERE including the film “Mary Two-Axe Early; I Am Indian Again,” recommended by the Sask DLC Senior Indigenous Consultant. This resource includes a study guide for discussing and reflecting on the injustices and discrimination that the Indian Act has created for First Nations women.

March 31 is the National Indigenous Languages Day. Explore our Cree Language Collection to learn more about and listen to the Cree language.

March is also Be an Author Month, and Book Creator has many resources to help you celebrate this with your students.

If you have a resource others could benefit from (created by you or free online) please consider adding it by clicking "Add Resource" in the top right of the home screen. 

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Writing Revolution & The Grammar Project
0.0 stars

In 2022, two collaborative groups of Australian educators formed to create Syntax & Punctuation and Morphology resources.

These resources are available for free to promote a culture of sharing and collaboration amongst schools.

The lessons can be edited and adapted to reflect the topics & curriculum content taught in your classroom.

You must sign up for an account to access the resources.

*These activities also align with The Writing Revolution!

The Syntax Project & The Morphology Project; Lessons; PD & More

Elementary Education
English Language Arts
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Christina Guy
Jasmyn Hall
Nicole Fitzgerald
Rebecca Glasson
Sarah Kolevski
Stephanie Le Lievre
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