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  • bullying
ROVER - Grade 8
0.0 stars

Check out these great video/curricular resources for Grade 8. The ROVER videos all indicate the curriculum outcomes that they address.

ROVER (Recommended Online Video Education Resources) is a video streaming service for Saskatchewan teachers and students in the PreK-12 education system. It is managed and maintained by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education. ROVER is a video-on-demand service that provides teachers and students with the convenience of immediate access to streamed, educational videos that support curricula.

This site also offers all of the curriculum documents for all grade levels.

If you are unable to access the site, it may be because a Saskatchewan Ministry of Education Blackboard login is required. All students have an Edonline account, so contact your child's school or the Ministry of Education’s Support Desk at 1-866-933-8333 or email at stans@gov.sk.ca for login information. Your child's student number will be required.

Arts Education
English Language Arts
Health & Fitness
Health Education
Physical Education
Social Studies
Material Type:
Saskatchewan Ministry of Education
Date Added:
SK Education and Learning- Anti-Bullying
0.0 stars

Saskatchewan's Action Plan to Address Bullying and Cyberbullying is the roadmap that guides the government's work to end bullying. More than 1,000 students, teachers, parents and community members throughout our province contributed to the plan by sharing their thoughts about the effects of bullying.

Bullying can be:
-Verbal: usually involving taunts, name-calling, put-downs, slurs, offensive gestures, incessant mocking, threats, intimidation, and laughing at someone else’s expense;
-Social: excluding, ganging up, ridiculing, gossiping, spreading rumours, extortion or stealing of money and possessions;
-Physical: involving physical harm often from kicking, punching, hair pulling, pinching, and pushing;
-Sexual: involving unwanted physical contact or sexually inappropriate comments; and
-Cyber: using a computer or other technology to forward or spread hurtful messages and/or images.

Whatever form bullying takes, it is not “just something kids have to go through”. It needs to be reported and addressed.

Resource includes more information on getting help with bullying, prevention and more resources are included.

Health & Fitness
Health Education
Material Type:
Date Added:
Violence, Bullying and Abuse Prevention
0.0 stars

This resource includes an abundance of more resources and information on the following:
-Abuse prevention
-Stories about violence, abuse and bullying
-Courses that can be taken
-Child and youth serving organizations
-Info for parents, at the workplace and for youths
-Much more

Health & Fitness
Health Education
Material Type:
Date Added: