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More Than My Diagnosis
0.0 stars

More Than My Diagnosis is part of the Otsuka Patient Education Network (OPEN), a series of online resources for a broad community of people living with health issues. This includes individuals diagnosed with a mental health condition and caregivers for individuals who have or have had a mental health condition.
OPEN is sponsored by Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc. The information provided by OPEN and the More Than My Diagnosis website is intended for educational benefit only, and does not represent scientific fact or medical advice. Speak with a health care professional about your or your loved one's symptoms and illnesses to determine diagnosis and appropriate treatment options.
Every individual’s health experience can be different. On this website, participants have shared their personal experiences. Individual experiences may vary

Social Studies
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PREVNet - Canada's Authority on Bullying
0.0 stars

As children move through elementary school, their peer relationships take on greater influence and they begin to congregate in areas where adults may not always be present (in the bathroom), or where they can be easily hidden from view (in the playground). The physical bullying that was common in the preschool years may turn more into social bullying and exclusion, which is harder for adults to see and often, harder for kids to talk about.

Bullying behaviour may include: name-calling, pushing, giggling or making faces when another child talks, excluding a child from a game, ignoring a child, tattling to get a child in trouble, using a child’s name as an insult, making a point not to sit or line up near a certain child, or writing negative messages on the internet.

This resource includes much more information on bullying; intervention, how parents can help, facts, solutions and much more.

Health & Fitness
Health Education
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Panic Disorder Self-Help Resources
0.0 stars


Many people experience some mild sensations when they feel anxious about something, but a panic attack is much more intense than usual. A panic attack can be very frightening and you may feel a strong desire to escape the situation or to seek emergency assistance.
Panic disorder is used to describe the condition where panic attacks seem to happen unexpectedly rather than always in predictable situations. Importantly, someone with panic disorder has a persistent fear of having another attack or worries about the consequences of the attack. Many people change their behaviour to try to prevent panic attacks. Some people are affected so much that they try to avoid any place where it might be difficult to get help or to escape from. When this avoidance is severe it is called agoraphobia.

**Site includes worksheets, workbook and information sheets available for download.

Social Studies
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Perfectionism Self-Help Resources
0.0 stars

Perfectionism is not necessarily about being ‘perfect’. Ask yourself this question… Is it ever really possible to be 100% ‘perfect’? So, if it’s not about being ‘perfect’, then what do we mean when talk about perfectionism?
Although there’s no perfect definition, we understand perfectionism to involve three things: Firstly, the relentless striving for extremely high standards for yourself and/or others that are personally demanding. Secondly, judging your self-worth based largely on your ability to strive for and achieve such unrelenting standards. Thirdly, experiencing negative consequences of setting such demanding standards, yet continuing to go for them despite the huge cost to you.

**Site includes workbook and information sheets available for download.

Social Studies
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SK Education and Learning- Anti-Bullying
0.0 stars

Saskatchewan's Action Plan to Address Bullying and Cyberbullying is the roadmap that guides the government's work to end bullying. More than 1,000 students, teachers, parents and community members throughout our province contributed to the plan by sharing their thoughts about the effects of bullying.

Bullying can be:
-Verbal: usually involving taunts, name-calling, put-downs, slurs, offensive gestures, incessant mocking, threats, intimidation, and laughing at someone else’s expense;
-Social: excluding, ganging up, ridiculing, gossiping, spreading rumours, extortion or stealing of money and possessions;
-Physical: involving physical harm often from kicking, punching, hair pulling, pinching, and pushing;
-Sexual: involving unwanted physical contact or sexually inappropriate comments; and
-Cyber: using a computer or other technology to forward or spread hurtful messages and/or images.

Whatever form bullying takes, it is not “just something kids have to go through”. It needs to be reported and addressed.

Resource includes more information on getting help with bullying, prevention and more resources are included.

Health & Fitness
Health Education
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SK Healthline
0.0 stars

Call HealthLine at 811 for professional health advice or mental health support.
Open 24/7
Translation in over 100 languages
What is HealthLine 811?
HealthLine is a confidential, 24-hour health information and support telephone line. It is staffed by experienced and specially trained Client Navigators, Registered Nurses, Registered Psychiatric Nurses, and Social Workers.
HealthLine is free. Services are offered in English, with translation available in over 100 languages.
If you are having technical issues with accessing HealthLine by dialling 811, you can call 1-877-800-0002 to be connected with HealthLine.
Deaf and hard of hearing residents can access HealthLine by using the SaskTel Relay Operator service at
How does HealthLine work?
When you call 811, a licensed healthcare professional will give you options and information to help you with health-related questions or concerns. You will be able to discuss your concerns in a safe, caring, and confidential manner.
A registered nurse will assess your symptoms and help you decide whether to treat your own symptoms, go to a clinic, see your primary health care provider, or access emergency medical care, if necessary.
HealthLine also provides mental health and addictions support. HealthLine’s registered Psychiatric Nurses and Social workers can offer advice to help you manage your situation, or give you information about resources in your community.

Social Studies
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Self-Compassion Self-Help Resources
0.0 stars

Self-compassion involves being aware of our own pain and suffering, and understanding that this is a hard, but normal human experience. Directing feelings of kindness and care towards ourselves, and focusing our attention and energy on how we might alleviate our pain, are also crucial components of self-compassion. Self-compassion can bring great benefits for our mental health and well-being. Particularly, self-compassion can activate our soothe system, which calms the threat and drive systems. Our threat and drive systems tend to be overactive for many of us much of the time, and responsible for the difficult emotions we may be struggling with (e.g., anxiety, anger, depression). The opposite of self-compassion is self-criticism. This very negative thinking style often links to difficult emotions and mental health problems. Those who are highly self-critical particularly need to develop the ability to relate to themselves in a compassionate way.

Social Studies
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Self-Esteem Self-Help Resources
0.0 stars

Low self-esteem is having a generally negative overall opinion of oneself, judging or evaluating oneself negatively, and placing a general negative value on oneself as a person. People with low self-esteem usually have deep-seated, basic, negative beliefs about themselves and the kind of person they are. These beliefs are often taken as facts or truths about their identity, rather than being recognised as opinions they hold about themselves. It is important to know that low self-esteem is a common problem for many people in our society – so you are not alone. Low self-esteem can occur as part of a current problem (such as depression), or as a result of other problems (such as chronic illness, relationship problems) or it can be a problem in itself. Either way, the good news is that you can take steps towards developing more healthy self-esteem.

**Website includes worksheets, workbooks and information sheet on self-esteem.

Social Studies
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Self-Injury Outreach and Support
0.0 stars

As part of a collaboration between McGill University and the University of Guelph, we are an international outreach organization providing current information and helpful resources about self-injury to individuals who self-injure, those who have recovered, as well as their caregivers and families, friends, teachers and the health professionals who work with them.

Health & Fitness
Health Education
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Sleep & Insomnia Self-Help Resources
0.0 stars

This site incudes information on the following:
-Facts about sleep
-Insomnia and your thinking
-Sleep hygiene

This site also includes worksheets and information sheets available for download.

Social Studies
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Solve Your Math Problem
0.0 stars

Webmath is a math-help web site that generates answers to specific math questions and problems, as entered by a user, at any particular moment. The math answers are generated and displayed real-time, at the moment a web user types in their math problem and clicks "solve." In addition to the answers, Webmath also shows the student how to arrive at the answer.

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0.0 stars

Teen Mental Health.org has created "animations, face-to-face training programs, web-based training programs, mobile applications, eBooks, easy to understand guides and books designed specifically for youth, parents, educators and health providers" to translate mental health knowledge in order to improve the mental health of youth.

Health & Fitness
Health Education
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Tolerating Distress Self-Help Resources
0.0 stars

Most people dislike feeling uncomfortable. There are many different ways that humans can feel uncomfortable…we can be hot, cold, tired, in pain, hungry, unwell, and the list could go on. The type of discomfort we will be talking about in these modules is emotional discomfort, or what is often called distress. We may not like it, but experiencing uncomfortable emotions is a natural part of life. However, there is a difference between disliking unpleasant emotions and experiencing unpleasant emotions as unbearable and needing to get rid of them. Being intolerant of experiencing emotional discomfort can interfere with living a fulfilling life, and can escalate any emotional discomfort we might be experiencing.

Social Studies
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Violence, Bullying and Abuse Prevention
0.0 stars

This resource includes an abundance of more resources and information on the following:
-Abuse prevention
-Stories about violence, abuse and bullying
-Courses that can be taken
-Child and youth serving organizations
-Info for parents, at the workplace and for youths
-Much more

Health & Fitness
Health Education
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Why we Need to Talk About Depression Video
0.0 stars

Kevin Breel didn't look like a depressed kid: team captain, at every party, funny and confident. But he tells the story of the night he realized that -- to save his own life -- he needed to say four simple words.

TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more.

Social Studies
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0.0 stars

This website includes various information on the following:
-Multiple illnesses (addiction, bulimia, personality disorders and many more)
-Wellness (positivity, self care, skill building and transitions)
-Interviews and more

Social Studies
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