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  • genocide
Cambodia: Genocide, Social Conflicts and the "Upstander"
Restricted Use
Copyright Restricted
0.0 stars

The following 90 minute lessons are a culminating project for a novel unit on Children of the River by Linda Crew. The book shares the struggles of Sundara, a Cambodian teenager who escapes from the Khmer Rouge and ends up in an American high school in Oregon. Once in the USA, Sundara faces new struggles of trying to fit in with her classmates while honoring her familyŐs Cambodian traditions. Before reading this novel, students read and discuss conflicts/genocides around the world that took place prior to the Khmer Rouge era in Cambodia. The conflicts discussed were: the Colonists and the Native Americans, the Armenian Genocide, and the Holocaust. After reading the novel, a survivor of the Cambodian Genocide spoke with the students. Classes also watched the movie "New Year Baby."

Social Studies
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Kristen Colon
Date Added:
Historical Thinking Project
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

The historical thinking concepts developed and promoted by the Historical Thinking Project have been incorporated into curricula, classroom resources, and professional development tools. They include:

Provincial Historical Thinking Projects - Application process and criteria.

Blog Archive - Read about the experiences and reflections of four young teachers on the challenges and rewards of working with the historical thinking concepts.

Books - Order books that explore more deeply the teaching with the six historical thinking concepts.

Historical Thinking Posters – A set of six 12 x 17" posters illustrating the Historical Thinking Concepts is available in English and in French.

Demonstrations and Discussions - PD resources to assist in incorporating historical thinking into the classroom.

Lessons - We are currently in the process of transferring lessons from the old site. These are not yet available.

Other Classroom Materials - Teacher’s resource guides, historical thinking lessons developed by other organizations (usually in collaboration with us), and links to websites that contain historical thinking lessons.

Research - A sampling of research related to historical thinking and the curriculum.

Workshops - Contact these experienced workshop providers directly for assistance in professional development.

Use of Materials/Copyright

We encourage the use of resources, lessons, and information from our site, but we ask that you credit the Historical Thinking Project for the ideas and materials, by listing our name and our website URL (www.historicalthinking.ca). Fair use of resources does NOT include posting of HTP power points, videos, or other resources on other sites. Use a link to www.historicalthinking.ca instead.

We want historical thinking incorporated into curriculum, classrooms, and educational resources as widely as possible. When you reference the Historical Thinking Project (www.historicalthinking.ca) you are helping us to achieve this goal.

Indigenous Perspectives
Social Studies
Material Type:
Primary Source
Date Added:
Holodomor Research and Education Consortium
0.0 stars

The Holodomor Research and Education Consortium provides opportunities to support teachers and students to learn more about the Ukrainian Holodomor of the 1930s. Information about teaching materials and resources, such as the recently-published resource, Holodomor in Ukraine, the Genocidal Famine 1932-1933 : Learning Materials for Teachers and Students can be found here.

Social Studies
Material Type:
Primary Source
Kofi Annan
Kossior S V
Malcolm Muggeridge
Norman Davies
Prof Andrea Grazioci
Prof James Mace
Raphael Lemkin
Wasyl Hryshko
Date Added:
Human Rights - All Stories - Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
0.0 stars

"Human rights stories are all around us. We explore contemporary and historic human rights stories, from Canada and around the world."

This resource from The Canadian Museum for Human Rights explores numerous stories about Indigenous Perspectives (treaty education, witness blanket, UN Rights of Indigenous, Mincome, reconciliation, veterans, etc. ), Social Justice (BLM, misogyny, racism, genocide, antisemitism, Holodomor, refugees, etc.)

Each story contains information, artifacts, images, and questions to guide your thinking. It also links to related stories for further exploration.

Arts Education
Social Studies
Visual Arts
Material Type:
The Canadian Human Rights Museum
Date Added:
Liberation 75 - Holocaust - Educator Toolkit (gr. 6-12)
0.0 stars

Liberation75 is a not-for-profit event dedicated to commemorating the 75th anniversary of liberation from the Holocaust. We mark this important anniversary by remembering the victims, honouring the survivors, showcasing the future of Holocaust education and remembrance, reflecting on antisemitism in the world, celebrating the role of the liberators and committing to protecting freedom, diversity, human rights and inclusion.
With more than 200+ Participating Organizations, Liberation75 features the very best speakers, films, performances, exhibits, tours and more from around the world! Explore testimony and technology, meet the thought leaders, have discussions with your peers and spend time interacting with Holocaust survivors.
All elements of this event are offered at no cost to attendees. If your plans change and you cannot attend, please cancel your registration so we do not incur unnecessary charges.

Social Studies
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Date Added:
Teaching the Holocaust in Saskatchewan Gr. 6-9
0.0 stars

These tools can be used in SK in Social Studies and Language classes from grades 6 to 9.
-Hana's Suitcase
-Studying the Holocaust at home
-17 Letters
-Draw Me: Jews in the Netherlands during the Holocaust
-Us vs. Them - Creating the "Other"
-Analysis Sheets
-History of Holocaust
-History of Antisemitism
***+ virtual and travelling exhibitions

English Language Arts
Faith Studies
Social Studies
World Religion
Material Type:
Montreal Holocaust Museum
Date Added:
Tough to Teach: Lessons from the Holocaust
Read the Fine Print
0.0 stars

Teacher Jeremy Howard takes a history lesson about the Holocaust and makes it personal. By showing students video testimony of survivors and how prejudice can lead to eventual genocide, they not only learn what events led up to the Holocaust, but question themselves as to what they would have done in similar circumstances. It is a lesson about personal responsibility, the meaning of empathy in today's world, and choosing to do the right thing in their daily lives.

Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Teaching Channel
Provider Set:
Teaching Channel
Date Added:
Voices into Action (10-12)
0.0 stars

"We provide a wealth of free curriculum-based teaching resources and online tools to help you teach your students about prejudice, human rights and social justice.

By registering for our Teacher Dashboard you can:

Customize lessons with your own notes and instructions
Share lessons and assignments for students to access online
Create PDF handouts
Use assessment tools to evaluate"

English Language Arts
Indigenous Perspectives
Social Studies
Material Type:
Date Added: