Broke is a documentary about sports stars who went from having millions …
Broke is a documentary about sports stars who went from having millions of dollars to being broke and the mental anguish that comes along with this. The movie explores why this happens, mostly due to how many of the individuals lacked basic financial literacy skills. Students will develop 5 lessons / take-aways that they learned from the movie that the rest of us can learn from? They will discuss the themes and lessons shared regarding making responsible financial decisions, ways to gather information and explore how financial security (or lack of it) can have a major influence on mental health and well-being.
Teachers can use this resource to debate as a class or have …
Teachers can use this resource to debate as a class or have the students reflect and answer on their own. It works well to divide the class into four groups and assign the students a topic (for or against). They may not agree with the topic they have been given, but that's the importance of debate- to allow a person to see both sides and why someone would support an argument different than your own.
Teachers can use this resource to debate as a class or have …
Teachers can use this resource to debate as a class or have the students reflect and answer on their own. It works well to divide the class into four groups and assign the students a topic (for or against). They may not agree with the topic they have been given, but that's the importance of debate- to allow a person to see both sides and why someone would support an argument different than your own.
FL10.2 Examine the influence that finances have on well-being Review a survey …
FL10.2 Examine the influence that finances have on well-being Review a survey done to evaluate whether money can determine a person's happiness. Students can review a chart and see the results of happiness versus income levels. There is also a determination of a person's overall wellbeing and their "perceived happiness levels", based on what other think their happiness should be.
Indigenous Peoples have indicated that financial education is a priority for them …
Indigenous Peoples have indicated that financial education is a priority for them and complements other training programs in their communities. . To be successful, financial literacy interventions must be community driven, created by and for Indigenous Peoples. These videos and activities allow students to explore the story of a social entrepreneur and leader who values financial literacy and gives back through his business to help his Indigenous community create a better tomorrow.First Nations entrepreneur Mark Marsolais-Nahwegahbow works hard to ensure his family’s financial wellness while making a real impact on his community. He founded a social enterprise that brings fresh drinking water to Indigenous families across Canada. activities include multiple choice, vocabulary, short answer and open ended questions giving the students an opportunity to review advice on being an entrepreneur, giving back to your community and providing for your family and future.
This lesson seeks to help students to understand the concept of FOMO …
This lesson seeks to help students to understand the concept of FOMO and the impact on their lives regarding anxiety, debt and stress. At the end of the lesson students should be able to identify: Causes of FOMO, Impact on debt and stress, Strategies to change this behavior. Included are pre and post lesson activities and assessments and content to teach the lesson and help students clarify the impact of FOMO on financial decisions. Suggested Timing: 75-150 minutes depending on whether optional topics are done and how much class time is given for assignment.
Read the Article "Keeping Your Debt a Secret Can Mess With Your …
Read the Article "Keeping Your Debt a Secret Can Mess With Your Mind and Body " (Anne Gaviola). Students can review the case study sections. Encourage students to ask questions and brainstorm solutions after reading each section. Have students discuss implications of title.Have students list questions about this person’s situation (after each section, if you wish). Brainstorm possible solutions. Have students reflect on their learning.
Students will review the potential effects on a person's investment value and …
Students will review the potential effects on a person's investment value and overall mental impact of gambling versus investing. Using an investment scenario with a regular deposit to a lower risk investment, the students will compare potential returns to gambling activities, where the odds are close to 50/50 of making any money.
Indigenous communities have traditionally shown skill and strength in managing resources to support …
Indigenous communities have traditionally shown skill and strength in managing resources to support their community on an ongoing basis. People have understood and practiced the concepts of budgeting and saving, managing resources by budgeting so that they last the year, and putting aside savings for future use. In today’s economy, managing money can feel stressful at times. A helpful step is to identify goals for you and your family. This booklet provides a set of activities to help you do that. The worksheets can help you plan your money goals, track your spending, make a budget, and get ready for tax time. The land is our teacher. It teaches us about saving, sustainability and security. At creation animals, birds and fish were asked what they could teach humans. The animal world said humans can learn from our values, character and behaviour. In this booklet the animals will teach you about managing your money. Simon BrascoupéAnishinabeg/Haudenausanee Bear ClanMember of Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg First NationVice-President Education and Training, AFOA Canada
Mind Your Money: An Introduction to the Psychology of Spending. Nov 2023 …
Mind Your Money: An Introduction to the Psychology of Spending. Nov 2023 one hour presentation from Mark at the Credit Counselling Society discussing mindful spending techniques and the marketing behind retailers who try to encourage you to spend your money.
Money StoriesGrounding Indigenous Youth in the Lessons of their EldersWhat is it?Money Stories …
Money StoriesGrounding Indigenous Youth in the Lessons of their EldersWhat is it?Money Stories is a customized money management training program for Indigenous youth. The program combines Indigenous Elders speaking about their experiences with money, with facilitator-led activities about money that are relevant to youth. “We (Elders) need to help the next generation out of poverty. Young people have gifts and talents that should be used. I believe that preparing them for the future, one day they’ll go out into society with the experience and confidence to know they can make it.” Elder Lucy Guiboche.Money stories is delivered in eight chapters. Topics covered include Money, My Community & Me, Building Assets, Goal Setting & Problem Solving, Gathering Information, Budgeting, Banking, and Credit.
Students will be able to: Explain what a payday loan is and how …
Students will be able to: Explain what a payday loan is and how it can cause users to fall into a cycle of debt, Identify what financial need payday lenders are meeting and why consumers use payday loans, Compare the price of borrowing money using various loan and credit products, Review alternatives to payday loans, Interact with a game to see the impact and cost of payday loans at high interest rates (and the profit motivation behind these companies)
10.2 Sports Betting Advertisements: Sports betting has become increasingly popular and advertisements …
10.2 Sports Betting Advertisements: Sports betting has become increasingly popular and advertisements promoting it are everywhere. Students will find a sports betting advertisement, analyze the target market and potential impact on the viewer. Students will discuss some of the aspects and questions about sports betting advertisements and use this information to create an awareness campaign to educate others about the impact of sports betting advertisements.
"Five Ways People Are Dumb With Money Listening Guide and video" - Humans …
"Five Ways People Are Dumb With Money Listening Guide and video" - Humans can’t quite remove emotions from the money-making decisions process! Video:
Minding Your Money: Skills for Life is a digital financial education course …
Minding Your Money: Skills for Life is a digital financial education course with four lessons that teach learners about navigating the various financial stages of life, identifying your financial values, understanding the relationship between finances and mental health, and how to develop healthy financial boundaries in relationships. Learners will understand how to develop financial stability. Finally, they will learn about how their financial values can influence their goals and behaviours. Includes SK curriculum connections, lesson plans, online interactive lesson bank, assessment keys for teachers and a teacher portal to manage grades and student work. LanguagesEnglish - US, Spanish - US, English - CA TopicFinancial Education, Health & Wellness Duration: 45 minutes
Students can learn the 101 of Financial Literacy in this online course. …
Students can learn the 101 of Financial Literacy in this online course. Its engaging, animated, visual and interactive! Teachers can set up an online classroom and manage their students' progress through the modules. This includes quizzes, assignments, discussion prompts, additional learning in the "sidetrips" section. With a fun, dynamic guide that makes money feel empowering, financial literacy becomes a life-long that that pays dividends. Modules: 1. Money Basics and the Economy 2. Setting Goals and Making Wise Consumer Decisions 3. Getting Money: Employment 4. Getting Money: Self Employment - Are You An Entrepreneur? 5. Spending on Major Purchases 6. Borrowing Money 7. Putting Your Money to Work- Saving and Investing Money 8. Protecting Your Money and Things of Value 9. Financial Independence 10. Managing Your Money
Financial Empowerment is designed for a single-semester introduction to financial planning and …
Financial Empowerment is designed for a single-semester introduction to financial planning and decision-making, in order to provide first and second-year students with the necessary financial literacy and skills needed to make sound financial decisions, assess financial risk, and achieve financial success. This textbook attempts to speak to the varied backgrounds, knowledge systems, and experiences of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians by providing Indigenous and non-Indigenous perspectives on personal finance and financial planning using examples and interviews from Elders, the Canadian financial system, and the economy.
Review these news articles and infographics on the impact and connection between …
Review these news articles and infographics on the impact and connection between financial wellness and physical and mental health. Students can reflect on the impact of financial stress and how it affects everything- physical, mental health and even workplace performance. The statistics in the news arcticles on financial stress are very challenging right now for Canadians, so students could read these articles and look for ways to change these statistics going forward for their generation.
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