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Summer Slugger - Math and Literacy Foundations (Grade Alike Planning GAP Focus)
0.0 stars

Each summer, students lose critical math and literacy skills, which can widen the achievement gap among students. To prevent this “summer slide,” EVERFI has partnered with Major League Baseball to develop a continuous and engaging learning experience that prepares students of all backgrounds to enter the next school year on track. The 18-week program, targeted to 4th and 5th graders, unlocks activities at regular intervals and offers rewards for progress and consistency along the way. Students engage with content that reinforces critical math and language skills while enjoying the freedom and motivation of a baseball-themed, game-based learning experience.

This can be used throughout the year as extra reinforcement for students.

Sun West School Division: You can access this EVERFI course through your clever account.

Elementary Education
English Language Arts
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Date Added:
Sun West Assessment
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Welcome to Sun West's Supporting Assessment Wikispace

The purpose of this wikispace is to support administrators and teachers in Saskatchewan as they extend their professional learning about assessment.
This wikispace has been developed by the Sun West Assessment Committee, and the CAIT (Curriculum, Assessment, Instruction, Technology) Team

"Student assessment is a deliberate process used to provide feedback and evidence for making judgments about students' learning in relation to identified learning outcomes. Teachers guide the evaluation and reporting of student progress to parents/guardians" - Sun West Administrative Procedures 370: Student Assessment


1.1 Assessment procedures are to support the principles of fair assessment and implement best practices for grading and reporting student achievement.
1.2 Teachers are to use a variety of assessment practices that are fair, objective, and reflect sound professional judgment.
1.3 Student grades are to reflect the level of achievement of the learning outcomes.
1.4 Learning Behaviours will be reported separately.
1.5 Diagnostic and formative assessments will be used to provide direction for improvement or adjustment to a program of instruction (This is assessment for learning).
1.6 Summative assessment will be used to make judgments about a student's achievement at the end of a sequence of instruction in order to assign a grade (assessment of learning).
1.7 Students will be involved in the assessment and grading process, through the use of rubrics, exemplars, inquiry learning, and other means.
1.8 Teachers are to report student progress to parents to guardians by means of parent-teacher-student conferences, reports cards, personal contact, and information technology such as
PowerSchool, emails, blogs, etc.

Material Type:
Date Added:
Sun West Board Policy 18
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

C21 is an organization of Canadians for 21st Century Learning and Innovation. C21 Canada has conducted research and developed “Shifting Minds – A 21st Century Vision of Public Education for Canada”. Incorporating this research, the Board of Education believes that Sun West students need to be competent in literacy, numeracy and science. Today’s knowledge and digital reality means that changes occur at an astronomical rate. This reality requires our students and staff to have additional competencies and skills. The Sun West School Division will therefore endeavor to infuse 21st Century learning skills into all curricula and into the development of any and all educational programming. Staff will be supported and expected to continually develop their 21st Century Competencies.

Material Type:
Primary Source
Date Added:
Sun West Character Day 2018
0.0 stars

On September 26, 2018 we will celebrate and explore Character. Contact your Sun West school to find out more about the celebrations planned! #CultivateCharacter

Material Type:
Sun West School Division
Date Added: