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  • Education
How To Find Your Passion - 11 Abilities (Which one is for you?)
0.0 stars

Are you trying to find your passion?

This Improvement Pill video unpacks 11 general life abilities to help guide kids' journey of self-discovery. From musical and logical to digital and visual, each skill and its related career path is broken down seamlessly, perfect for beginners and curious minds alike.

21st Century Competencies
Arts Education
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Improvement Pill
Date Added:
How To Make A Comic Book PD from High Tech High Graduate School of Education
0.0 stars

This course is good for anyone over 13 years old!

"The How to Make a Comic Book online course is a project-centered course designed for all-age learners (ages 13+) who are brand new to the comic-making process. The course features a bevy of resources for new comic-makers including tutorials, models, comic industry guest speakers, and exercises.

The course walks participants through the full process of comic creation, starting at brainstorming and covering scripting, thumbnailing, penciling, lettering by hand, inking, and final assembly. The course culminates in the creation of a final 4-page comic."

Enroll in the course and the materials will be emailed to you.
The course is free, self-paced and should take 8-20 hours.

Arts Education
English Language Arts
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Date Added:
How To PBL Online PD Course – hthgse.online (Project Based Learning)
0.0 stars

"In this e-mail based course, you will explore essential aspects of project-based learning design while also considering strategies for creating accessible and equitable online project-based learning experiences.

This course culminates in you creating an outline and planner to design and facilitate PBL in online spaces and for distance-learning."

This course is free and email based.
It should take teachers 4-10 hours to complete.

Come out ready to get your PBL rolling!

Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Unit of Study
Date Added:
How To Teach Us PD – hthgse.online
0.0 stars

"The How to Teach Us online course was designed to help K-12 teachers integrate student voice into their classrooms. “How To Teach Us” was named as such because, in an effort to showcase strategies to enhance classroom practices around student voice, three separate documentaries were constructed to coincide with the three weekly themes of the course that specifically follow elementary, middle, and high school students.

The three focus areas for the course were: significant learning, day-to-day routines/schedules, and student-centered assessment practices. The course is designed to be completed over a total of 9 hours of work, with three separate assignments that ultimately culminate in a teacher presentation of learning (POL)."

This course is self-paced and delivered via email.
It will take 4 hours+

Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Date Added:
How can schools support LGBTQ2 students?
0.0 stars

"While Canadian society is growing more diverse and inclusive, there is still resistance when it comes to supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, and two-spirit (LGBTQ2) youth in schools. Although recent research indicates that the vast majority of Canadian teachers (85%) now support LGBTQ2-inclusive education, many report not yet having the knowledge or training to feel confident in creating safer and more inclusive schools for LGBTQ2 youth.

Here are four key factors that can make a positive difference for LGBTQ2 students in K-12 schools"

Material Type:
Primary Source
Dr. Kristopher Wells
Date Added:
How can we embed Truth and Reconciliation in every school?
0.0 stars

Eleven of the ninety-four Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) final report are specific to education. Call to Action 63, “Building student capacity for intercultural understanding, empathy, and mutual respect,” challenges Canadian education systems to focus on students’ understanding of Indigenous human rights and social justice initiatives. Non-Indigenous students are now beginning to learn about the truth of residential schools, treaties and other long-standing issues facing Indigenous communities such as lack of clean drinking water, housing and food shortages. Truth and reconciliation is a spiritual and emotional journey required of all students and educators – from the head to the heart – that will unfold differently for everyone.

Indigenous Perspectives
Native Studies
Truth and Reconciliation
Material Type:
Primary Source
Dr. Pamela Rose Toulouse
Date Added:
How do Atmospheres Affect Planetary Temperatures? Activity B How do Atmospheres Produce their Effect Upon Surface Temperatures?
Read the Fine Print
0.0 stars

In this kinesthetic activity, the concept of energy budget is strengthened as students conduct three simulations using play money as units of energy, and students serve as parts of a planetary radiation balance model. Students will determine the energy budget of a planet by manipulating gas concentrations, energy inputs and outputs in the system in this lesson that supports the study of climate on Mars, Mercury, Venus and Earth. The lesson supports understanding of the real-world problem of contemporary climate change. The resource includes a teacher's guide and several student worksheets. This is the second of four activities in the lesson, How do Atmospheres affect planetary temperatures?, within Earth Climate Course: What Determines a Planet's Climate? The resource aims to help students to develop an understanding of our environment as a system of human and natural processes that result in changes that occur over various space and time scales.

Agriculture Studies
Material Type:
Provider Set:
NASA Wavelength
Date Added:
How do we teach students to identify fake news?
0.0 stars

In a “post-truth” era where people are increasingly influenced by their emotions and beliefs over factual information, fact and fiction can be difficult to distinguish, and fake news can spread rapidly through mainstream media sources and social networks. Moreover, fake news is often meant to do harm, by tricking us into believing a lie or unfairly discrediting a person or political movement.

Given this malicious intent, students must learn to approach news and information with a critical eye in order to identify intentionally misleading sources (although recent studies confirm that this is an uphill battle for both adults and young people). Teachers therefore play a crucial role in ensuring that their students develop the skills to decipher the many streams of information available to them.

Material Type:
Primary Source
Katia Hildebrandt
Dr. Alec Couros
Date Added:
How the Brain Learns to Read - Prof. Stanislas Dehaene
0.0 stars

Cognitive psychology and neuroscience have begun to dissect the neuronal mechanisms of literacy using brain-imaging techniques. During reading acquisition, our brain circuitry recycles several of its pre-existing visual and auditory areas in order to reorient them to the processing of letters and phonemes. The nature of this "neuronal recycling" process helps explain many of the children's difficulties in learning to read. Our growing understanding of the child's brain has important consequences for how education should be optimally organized.

Understanding how the brain learns to read can help us all be more effective in teaching students to read.

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Primary Source
Prof. Stanislas Dehaene
Date Added:
How to Behave in an Online Forum
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

1. Don’t divulge private information – there is no reason to ever give out your personal information in an online forum.

2. Read the Rules – Forums typically have rules of what is allowed and what is not. Make sure you read and understand the rules. Those who break the rules may be blocked.

3. Post in the Proper Forum – Make sure you are on topic when you post in a forum.

4. Avoid making too many new threads; use the search function before asking questions - Many people before you likely had the same question, and therefore there is likely a topic on it already.

Educational Technology
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Date Added:
How to Bring Student Choice to Assessment in Science Classes
0.0 stars

This article from Edutopia examines "What happens when students can opt to skip tests and instead give oral presentations or create art to show what they know?"

This is a good article to get teachers thinking about assessment in new ways.

Material Type:
John Dorroh
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