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Anxiety and Trauma

A collection of resources around Anxiety, Trauma & Stress.


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1. Managing Your Mind - recorded copy
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
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Sun West DLC's Managing Your Mind presentation. Review discussions on daily stress and anxiety with three guest speakers. Learn strategies for growing resiliency in your life and home and hear from DLC teachers about some quick activities that can help manage your own mind during a stressful moment.

This presentation has been Powered by RBC, partners of the DLC in creating a locally developed Mental Wellness 30 course, and partners in bringing mental wellness discussions and awareness to the forefront. Thank you RBC, for your support, and for your contribution in making today’s event happen.

Material Type:
Primary Source
Renee Jain
Sun West DLC
Trina Markusson
Date Added:
40+ Calm Down Tools for Older Kids {Free Printable}
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Teaching coping skills to older children and teens about strategies to help calm down.

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Married To Her High School Sweetheart Dyan Is A Canadian Stay-at-home Mom To Two Boys J K She Is Also A Part-time Piano Teacher She Likes Board Games Video Games Instant Pots Reading To Stay Connected Subscribe To The Weekly Newsletter To Get A Copy Of The
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Activity: FOMO Full Lesson and Assessments
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This lesson seeks to help students to understand the concept of FOMO and the impact on their lives regarding anxiety, debt and stress. At the end of the lesson students should be able to identify: Causes of FOMO, Impact on debt and stress, Strategies to change this behavior. Included are pre and post lesson activities and assessments and content to teach the lesson and help students clarify the impact of FOMO on financial decisions.  Suggested Timing: 75-150 minutes depending on whether optional topics are done and how much class time is given for assignment.

Financial Literacy
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Cindy Lowe
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Animal Walks for Kids
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Tips: Bear walk: keep those legs straight and heels down. Frog jump: try to get to flat feet with every jump. Penguin walk: Try to lift the toes and walk on...

Material Type:
Tots to Teens Therapy
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Anxiety Audit
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Introduction to the Seven Core Patterns:RuminatingCatastrophizingDoomsday Language / Global ThinkingInner Isolation and DisconnectionIrritabilityOverwhelm!Self-Care vs. Self-Medication

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Ashley Persson
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Anxiety Canada on the App Store
0.0 stars

A smartphone App designed to help teens and youth to cope with anxiety - promoting a shift in thinking about anxiety.

Available for iPhone/iPad in the apple store:

Available for android in google play store:

Health & Fitness
Health Education
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Anxiety Disorders: Attacks, symptoms, Treatment
0.0 stars

The dedicated team at Anxiety.org is committed to making mental health information accessible, inclusive, easy-to-find, and easy-to-understand. We want anyone suffering from an anxiety disorder to have access to all the resources they need to understand and overcome their condition. This website provides the latest and most relevant information by working directly with distinguished doctors, therapists, scientists, and specialists to keep you on the cutting-edge of research and advancements in the field, while keeping our content approachable for the average reader. Our goal is to bridge the understanding gap that exists between mental health professionals and those actually dealing with anxiety disorders.
Hundreds of millions of people worldwide have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder or related mood or mental health issue. In fact, some studies have estimated the number to be over 1 billion! And the majority of those diagnosed or struggling with an anxiety disorder don't receive treatment or have access to the information, treatment, or tools they need during their journey to recovery. Anxiety.org is there to provide support to people no matter what their environment or economic status.
It is not surprising that there are over four million monthly Internet searches worldwide on anxiety-related terms. Some of these searches come from undiagnosed individuals seeking basic knowledge about what they are experiencing; others come from diagnosed persons looking for specific information and guidance; and still others come from individuals seeking understanding and advice regarding a family member, loved one, or close friend who is dealing with anxiety. For people with these conditions, the isolating nature and stigma associated with anxiety disorders has been a significant obstacle to seeking professional treatment. Anxiety.org allows anxiety sufferers the ability to seek help anonymously and conveniently.
We have partnered with hundreds of schools, institutions, researchers and clinicians, experienced therapists, and other mental health and wellness experts. All the donations received, as well as 100% of Anxiety.org revenue in 2016, will be used to fund grants to universities, clinics, and research institutions. If you are interested, please email our publisher at Research@Anxiety.org.

Social Studies
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Anxiety Drama Performance
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

A great way to show anxiety is to do a drama performance and act it out for others to see what anxiety is really like for someone.
Dealing with Anxiety:
Video series “Stopping the Noise in your Head: The New Way to Overcome Anxiety and Worry”
1. Find a situation that scares you…really cares you!
a) For example flying in an airplane. Have an actor pretending to be on a plane with ‘anxiety’ sitting beside them
2. Move towards that thing….get the stress going.
3. Acknowledge that doubt, stress, and discomfort.
4. Welcome what is happening…..
5. Give yourself a motivational or instructional comment…give me more
6. Go back to the task
7. Give yourself a “ point” for being able to go back to the task.

Health & Fitness
Health Education
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Anxiety Slideshow
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

The following resource is a powerpoint on anxiety. It covers the following:
- What anxiety is
- Steps to help kids overcome anxiety
- Parenting patterns that work and don't work
- Anxiety enhancers

Health & Fitness
Health Education
Material Type:
Date Added:
Anxiety in Youth
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Anxiety education for youth, teens. Includes content,, activities and videos on topics:

Anxiety 101
Facing Fears
Fight, Flight, Freeze
Thinking Right
How to Chill
Healthy Habits
Common Problems

Health & Fitness
Health Education
Material Type:
Primary Source
Anxiety Canada
Date Added:
Be The Warrior Not The Worrier - Fighting Anxiety & Fear Video
0.0 stars

Video on fighting anxiety and fear

What if there was a way to systematically fight every single fear you have?

Angela has worked in public relations for over a decade, gaining invaluable experience and contacts throughout the industry. In the last ten years, Angela has represented some of the biggest international celebrities and brands. At 28 she saw an opportunity to create a new-school PR agency that was obsessed and addicted to results. Angela began Australian based Flourish PR in February 2010 and the business has grown from a home office into a busy dynamic agency.

Angela runs a dedicated team of publicists and creatives who are new school thinkers in the world of PR.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx

Social Studies
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Be Unsure and Uncomfortable on Purpose
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Our brains have an alarm system that works all on its own. It is called the amygdala, and when the amygdala fires off its alarm system we tend to listen. Which is great if we are actually in a fire, or actually being chased by a large wild animal, or actually our life is indeed in danger! However, for the most part, often our amygdala fires when we are NOT in any real kind of danger. For instance:
Talking to a person we don’t know, is NOT life threatening.
Ordering a meal in a restaurant, is NOT life threatening.
Writing a test, is NOT life threatening.
Making eye contact with someone, is NOT life threatening.
However, when we have anxiety our brain activates our amygdala and we respond with body sensations and thoughts that make us believe they just might be! The amygdala is a small almond shaped organ in our brain that processes our memory, our decision-making response and our emotional responses. It is part of our nervous system, and all too often it is working over-time.
To handle worry and anxiety we need to teach our brain to NOT turn on the alarm system. (The best part about a brain is that it is very capable of changing the way it thinks! This is called neuroplasticity.). We need to tell our brain:
- I am willing to feel UNcomfortable.
- I am willing to feel unsure and to NOT know what might happen next.
- I am willing to use my courage and do what I might not want to do.
- I can handle it if things do not go just perfect.
- I am okay with NOT knowing how things are going to turn out.
By saying this in our mind and by doing this we can change the response our brain makes. It will take time and constant repetition…but it can be accomplished. We can actually make a new neuropathway in our brain so that it no longer ‘fires up panic’ when we do things. It is like making a new walking path across the grass. Eventually, if we stay on the same new path, the old one fills in and a new path begins to appear.

Health & Fitness
Health Education
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Cajun Koi Academy - Learn About Yourself, Improve Yourself! 21st Century Skills
0.0 stars

"Brothers Mike and Matt use a combination of live action and animation to take viewers on a journey of learning and self-discovery. Join Cajun Koi Academy to supercharge study sessions, level up on self-improvement, and embrace a positive mindset." (Common Sense Media)

21st Century Competencies
Life Transition
Practical & Applied Arts
Material Type:
Koi Brothers
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The Calm Down Box
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

The Calm Down Box is a sensory tool that can be made to help regulate children. This website gives examples of what can be put in a calm down box.

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Julia Woodson
Msw Lcsw
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