From the document: "The Countdown Passages are strictly controlled stories that align …
From the document: "The Countdown Passages are strictly controlled stories that align with the phonics skills and Heart Words taught in Countdown. Aside from the Heart Words in the passages, all of the words included are decodable according to the Countdown Scope & Sequence; however, due to the use of some Heart Words that have not been explicitly taught in Countdown according to the guidelines described below, we consider the passages to be “strictly controlled” rather than completely “decodable."
There are 12 fiction passages: one for each unit in Countdown, beginning with Unit 17. The passages provide students with longer, connected-text opportunities to apply the skills they are learning in Countdown. In the Countdown workbook, students practice reading words, phrases, and sentences. With the Countdown Passages, students extend their practice to longer sections of text. As students develop mastery and automaticity with the skills taught in Countdown, the Countdown Passages can be used to reinforce these skills, to provide opportunities for practice, and, ideally, to build fluency. Students will also gain confidence as readers. Reading text controlled for the specific skills students have already learned allows them to read with success, leading to confidence and the willingness to tackle more difficult text in the future."
Students compare and analyze novels and the movies adapted from them. They …
Students compare and analyze novels and the movies adapted from them. They design new DVD covers and a related insert for the movies, reflecting their response to the movie version.
What do cowboy hats have to do with fairy tales? Two traditional …
What do cowboy hats have to do with fairy tales? Two traditional fairy tales and their Texas-based counterparts set the stage for five different ways to respond to text.
"Cows in the Parlor: A Visit to a Dairy Farm" is an …
"Cows in the Parlor: A Visit to a Dairy Farm" is an expository article about the daily running of a dairy farm. Students learn about a day in the life of a cow, Maggie, including what she eats, how shes milked, and other interesting facts.
In this story, Coyote builds a ladder to the Heavens and moves …
In this story, Coyote builds a ladder to the Heavens and moves the stars to make pictures of himself and his animal friends. After viewing the constellations, the animals decree that Coyote is the most clever and crafty of them all.
To begin, divide your students into groups of 4 or 5. Assign …
To begin, divide your students into groups of 4 or 5.
Assign each group a different area to discuss the following criteria:
As a group, come up with these 3 characteristics for your made-up culture. 1. Greeting (How do you say “hi” to each other?) 2. Personal Space (How big is your culture’s personal bubble?) 3. What is offensive to your culture and what is something you value highly?
This is a fun activity for students that collect trading cards. It …
This is a fun activity for students that collect trading cards. It takes a bit of work, but it is well worth it. Visit readwritethink to create the cards. You will have to be patient, and use screen captures and cropping to print the cards and have students glue them together (unless the site has changed since I last used it!). Train one tech-smart student how to do this, and let them be in charge of helping everyone else that selects this activity if possible. You will probably be restricted to printing your cards in black and white, but then you can always have your students colour them and glue them onto coloured paper to add some colour. If fussing with the web site does not appeal to you - you could always make your own template as an MSWord document, or have the kids make them by hand instead as well. An example of a Grade 5 level assignment is included below as well as an example.
"Factile is the #1 Jeopardy-style classroom quiz review game! Learn why Factile …
"Factile is the #1 Jeopardy-style classroom quiz review game! Learn why Factile is played by the best and get started now for free!
Create your own game in minutes Search from thousands of premade game templates Play Jeopardy-style, Multiple Choice, or as Classic Memory games Use and share online flashcards Play from your computer, tablet or phone Users “buzz-in” for a fun and engaging classroom experience New – Remote / Distance learning, including Remote Buzzer Mode"
For this assignment, students will create and plan an island. They will …
For this assignment, students will create and plan an island. They will consider various aspects of their civilization such as mapping, religion, culture, folklore, art, music, dance, agriculture, industry, government, and law and order. This assignment culminates in an oral presentation of the students’ island which should include artifacts, maps, musical compositions etc. This project meets curriculum outcomes in grade 9 Social Studies, ELA and Arts Education.
The goal of this project is for students to create their own …
The goal of this project is for students to create their own iSpy Writing submission, whilst learning about theme, poetry, rhyme scheme, grammar and the editing process. This guide takes students through the writing process step-by-step and create a comprehensive and student inspired project! This will take about 3-4 hours of classroom time.
Students love games, so why not get them to make a trivia …
Students love games, so why not get them to make a trivia game about the play or novel? (Or maybe they have an even better idea than a trivia game!) This activity is great because it hits many multiple intelligences, and is really engaging for the kids. When the games are done you can have a celebration and invite people in to play the games with your students.
What if students could see the relevance of their school curriculum to …
What if students could see the relevance of their school curriculum to real-world, interesting, STEM-related careers? Let's help them create a great future!
This is a great assignment if you are trying to tap into …
This is a great assignment if you are trying to tap into procedural knowledge. You can provide a few choices for the manual or let students select their own. Some examples may be How to Graduate Hogwarts, How to Rule the World, How to Stay Calm in Any Situation - any theme related to the novel that students have read!
This is one of my new favourite activities, because it really gets …
This is one of my new favourite activities, because it really gets students thinking, and it has them referencing the script as well as using their own knowledge and preferences. In the version of the assignment below, the students were asked to select 10 songs (you can of course adjust this number) and for each song they had to provide the title, artist, mood of the song, reference the act and scene the character would listen to it with a page number, and defend why the song is a good choice for that character at that point in the play/novel.
This is a fantastic assignment, and if you have access to iPads …
This is a fantastic assignment, and if you have access to iPads or other devices it can be done easily using the "Book Creator" app. Students should write a rough draft first, and start by sequencing the ten most important events of the play (all of the details are included in the assignment below). When the books are done, the students should take them to classes with younger children and share them. These books can be very impressive and you may want to feature them in the school library.
This is a good assignment for younger students, or students that struggle …
This is a good assignment for younger students, or students that struggle with large amounts of writing. Students create a 3D cube and each side of the cube contains information about the play. This can be a smaller cube or a really big one! It is all up to you and your students. There is a template included below as well to give you the general idea of what they could look like. (If anyone makes a better template, I'd love to see it! I think they should be bigger than this for sure.)
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