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  • critical-thinking
Gale Literature
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0.0 stars

This cross-searchable environment brings together Gale’s premier literary databases to allow users to search across a library’s resources (Gale Literature Resources Center, Scribner Writer Series and Twayne's Author Series) to discover and analyze content in entirely new ways. 

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Regan Gunningham
Elgin Bunston
Date Added:
Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine
Restricted Use
Copyright Restricted
0.0 stars

The Health and Medicine database provides periodical and reference book content designed for both nursing and allied health students as well as consumer health researchers.

Health Education
Health Science
Material Type:
Regan Gunningham
Elgin Bunston
Date Added:
Gale OneFile: LegalTrac
Restricted Use
Copyright Restricted
0.0 stars

Ideal for students, law school faculty, and legal researchers, Gale OneFile: LegalTrac provides indexing for more than 1,200 major law reviews, legal newspapers, specialty publications, Bar Association journals, and international legal journals, including more than 200 titles in full text.

Material Type:
Regan Gunningham
Elgin Bunston
Date Added:
Gr 1/2: Bulletin Board Activity- What's the Big Idea?
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

For the bulletin board activity, I laminated four large "lightbulbs" to hang up. I use these lightbulbs for a variety of purposes; critical thinking, collaboration, big ideas from units of study and important information that students can access quickly. I use this for a variety of different subjects (ELA, Math, Science) and could easily be adapted. The possibilities are endless.

English Language Arts
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Grade 11- ELA 20- Words of Wisdom Project- Kelci Little
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0.0 stars

I designed this assessment piece during my internship to fit into our unit on the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. This three part assignment was one that covered two outcomes; Outcome: CR 20.2, as well as Outcome: CC 20.1. Because of the combination of comprehend and respond as well as compose and create, students were able to fully explore their ideas in different mediums and situations and work towards the end goal in a new way. While reading the novel, students were continually writing down significant quotes in their Writer’s Notebooks in order to fully grasp the important parts of the novel. This was expanded upon when students would share their quotes with one another and discuss why they found them to be significant. This correlates to the competency of developing collaboration, and this collaboration was expanded upon when students were asked to talk to different individuals in their own lives to receive important life advice. This also enhanced their communication skills as students had to talk to multiple individuals for the second part of the assignment, and then interview one of the individuals in depth for the third part of the assignment. Through the process of creating their Life’s Little Instructions Book they had to be creative and expand upon their digital technologies in order to research and incorporate pearls of wisdom from other resources. The main reason for having this three-part assignment was to really get students thinking about the significance certain excerpts from the novel and how they relate to their lives today. By continuing with the assignment through different assessments (analysis, instruction book and story-telling), students become critical thinkers within the context of their own minds while also given the opportunity to really expand on an idea. Each assessment piece in this assignment combines student inquiry, collaboration and critical thinking which is an important aspect of 21st Century teaching. Overall the students really enjoyed the assignment and the products created were very well done!

Task: Your assignment is to create your own Life’s Little Instructions Book. Your booklet must contain the following:

1. Five (or more) pearls of wisdom from To Kill a Mockingbird.

2. Ten (or more) pearls of wisdom from wise people in your world. Consider asking your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, neighbors, teachers, coaches, etc.

3. Ten (or more) pearls of wisdom from research sources, including other novels, books, newspapers, websites, television shows, movies, song lyrics, and speeches.

4. Five (or more) pearls of your own. Consider what you have learned thus far in your life. What advice can you offer?

Reminder: Quotes can be philosophical (“Never cut what can be untied”), practical (“Always own a good dictionary”), or humorous (“Never eat yellow snow”).

English Language Arts
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Grade 3 Health- Bullying Final Project Assessment - Ashley Lang
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0.0 stars

I created this rubric for Grade 3 health the focus was on bullying. I believe that this assessment reflects 21st century learning because I was able to incorporate technology in a purposeful way for students to share their knowledge. This assessment allows student to share their understanding of the important topic of bullying through an interactive app called sock puppets. This app provides student the opportunity to create a situation they have experienced or seen bullying representing it through sock puppets. In order to expand on 21st century learning next time I would give the students options on different apps they can use to share their understanding of bullying using technology.

Health & Fitness
Health Education
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Grade 4 Science - Sound Unit - Dawn Dust
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0.0 stars

I created a grade 4 science unit on sound. For the student’s final assessment, they got to make music by creating their own instruments. There were several components to this assessment.
The students completed a plan which included what materials they needed, how their instrument was going to make sound and change pitch and volume.
Then they had to construct their instrument.
In a sharing circle, the students shared their information and how and why they made their instrument the way it was.
Have a class jam session!
This assessment allowed students to be creative (not one of the instruments were similar)! The students had to use their critical thinking and collaboration skills to construct instruments that made sound and could change pitch and volume. There was trial and error and students going to one another for help. This assessment allowed for triangulation through conferring, observing, and the final product. The various steps also allowed for differentiation as some students were strong with writing their responses and others preferred sharing their knowledge through speech and hands on! The class jam session allowed for a celebration of learning!

Arts Education
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Grade 7 Social - Democracy
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0.0 stars

This activity is designed to serve as an end of unit project after an in-depth study of Democracy in Canada. I have given an extremely condensed version of the process/topics covered before the project was assigned. 

Social Studies
Sun West School Division
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Grade 9 ELA - The Kite Runner Scrapbook - Bailey Mari
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0.0 stars

Create a scrapbook containing at least 10 important plot points. Include a description of the event, the page numbers the event takes place on, a short quote, an explanation of the event in relation to the novel (What does the event mean to the novel as a whole?) and an image to go along with it. Be sure to be creative.

Use any communication means to show your understanding of the novel and the events that took place. You may use any app, presentation device, or a traditional paper scrapbook, or other form to demonstrate the understanding.

Your mark will reflect how much effort you put into the project. You will be given ample class time to work on the scrapbook so make sure to use your time wisely.

English Language Arts
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Group Collaboration to Create a Simple Machine to Accomplish a Specified Task
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0.0 stars

In summary, the purpose of this artifact was to increase the amount of group collaboration and critical thinking in my PAA classes. Typically in my PAA class, students pick a project and follow strict plans that will lead to their resulting projects. This group activity will require students to collaborate and think critically in order to come up with their own way to accomplish a simple task.

Practical & Applied Arts
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Guided Reading
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Includes resources on:
-Using Guided Reading Strategies to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking
- Apresentation on guided reading. It breaks down the process, grouping students and provides a sample lesson plan.

English Language Arts
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Harmony at Home Lessons
0.0 stars

This site offers Learning Tools & SEL for Parents, Caregivers, & Families

What Is It?
A set of activities and lessons for families to use at home with children in grades PreK-6.

Provided by Sanford Harmony, these resources guide parents and caregivers through ways to help children practice key SEL skills such as empathy and critical thinking.

With the program, you can:
- Facilitate pre-planned lessons
- Enjoy Harmony activities as a family
- Build strong relationships at home.
- Access "Inspire" teaching tools.
- Practice self-care for all ages.

Health & Fitness
Health Education
Material Type:
Sanford Harmony
Remote Learning
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Heritage Fair
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0.0 stars

This is part of the Heritage Saskatchewan Heritage Fairs initiative. “The Heritage Fairs program is an opportunity for students in grades 4-8 all over Saskatchewan to research, present, and explore Living Heritage topics of their choice.” https://heritagesask.ca/ We had local judges assess the projects. 3 Went on to the Regional fair and 1 is going on to the Provincial Fair.
Connection to critical thinking: Historical Thinking is a competency which is designed around 6 concepts that “help students explore the forest of historical data.” Ken Osborne. Better put, it is a way to critically think about and engage in history rather than have students simply address history at the knowledge and comprehension level of thinking. This is all based on the book The Big Six Historical Thinking Concepts by Peter Sexias and Tom Morton.

Social Studies
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History Box- Canadian Museum of History
0.0 stars

This package is the online accompaniment for our feature travelling education kit: History Box. In this package you’ll find digitized copies of each object found in the box, historical context, additional resources and activity suggestions. You do not need to borrow the kit to use this online resource.

This package contains objects and resources that are represented in the Canadian Museum of History’s signature exhibition, the Canadian History Hall. Collected from across the country, and highlighting varied perspectives, these objects illuminate the richness and diversity of the Canadian experience. They can be used as entry points to discussions on different periods in Canada’s history, or as lessons in historical inquiry that can build students’ critical thinking and historical inquiry skills.

To book a History Box, or for more information, please visit historymuseum.ca/learn/history-box.

The topics covered in this History Box include Early Canada, Colonial Canada, and Modern Canada.

There are two types of activities: Package Activities and Object Activities.

Package Activities are project-based activities designed to accommodate one or more classes. These activities involve the use of historical thinking concepts while exploring the whole package, resulting in a more comprehensive experience.

Object Activities are short inquiry-based activities that typically take 5–25 minutes. These activities encourage students to think critically about the objects being presented, and to use historical thinking concepts.

Both types of activities were created with the guidance of educators from across Canada, and incorporate current educational theory and approaches.

Is everything accessible?
We know that everyone accesses information differently, and have tried to ensure that package content addresses the varied needs of students and educators. Some of the many ways in which these packages support accessibility:

- Three levels of historical context to accommodate different ways of learning.
- A variety of media, including audio and video content, for diverse learning abilities.
- Multiple activity suggestions for diverse learning abilities.
- Content can be read with Assistive Technology applications.
- Downloadable and printable content that can be accessed offline.
- Transcripts for video, audio and hard-to read archival documents.
- Video subtitles in both official languages.
- Content is available in both official languages.
- Website complies with Website Content Accessibility 2.0 AA Guidelines.

21st Century Competencies
Elementary Education
English Language Arts
Indigenous Perspectives
Social Studies
Treaty Education
Truth and Reconciliation
Material Type:
Primary Source
Canadian Museum Of History
Date Added:
History Reference Source
Restricted Use
Copyright Restricted
0.0 stars

Covering both U.S. and world history topics, History Reference Source (formerly the History Reference Center) is a full-text database featuring historical reference books, magazines, journals and thousands of primary source documents. 

Social Studies
Material Type:
Regan Gunningham
Elgin Bunston
Date Added:
How do we teach students to identify fake news?
0.0 stars

In a “post-truth” era where people are increasingly influenced by their emotions and beliefs over factual information, fact and fiction can be difficult to distinguish, and fake news can spread rapidly through mainstream media sources and social networks. Moreover, fake news is often meant to do harm, by tricking us into believing a lie or unfairly discrediting a person or political movement.

Given this malicious intent, students must learn to approach news and information with a critical eye in order to identify intentionally misleading sources (although recent studies confirm that this is an uphill battle for both adults and young people). Teachers therefore play a crucial role in ensuring that their students develop the skills to decipher the many streams of information available to them.

Material Type:
Primary Source
Katia Hildebrandt
Dr. Alec Couros
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