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  • English Language Arts
Grade 6 ELA Peace and Conflict Unit
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This guided Grade 6 ELA unit covers the Peace and Conflict theme. This station rotation resource includes setup, assignments, and assessments for a 6-7 week ELA unit.

English Language Arts
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Unit of Study
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Grade 6: Life Science: Diversity of Living Things (DL)
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Part One: Students are tasked with using factual information learned about an animal species of their choice (Life Science – Diversity of Living Things). Students read and conduct research using a variety of resources, including online, textbook, and non-fiction materials.

Part Two: Students are tasked with using the writing process to prepare and present a scientific report (ELA – Compose and Create).

Part Three: Students are tasked with designing, constructing and displaying a mask of their animal species (Arts Ed – Creative/ Productive) along with a written title and caption for their display piece.

Arts Education
English Language Arts
Visual Arts
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Grade 7/8/9 Learning At Home Resources
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Developed by the Middle Years PLC group, these resources are intended to support teachers in providing at-home learning experiences for their students. They may also be helpful for in-class planning. This set of resources will be updated and expanded as further development occurs. Areas of learning covered include reading, writing, movement, creativity, mathematics, and social studies/science.

Arts Education
English Language Arts
Health & Fitness
Physical Education
Social Studies
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Grade 7/8 ELA- Representation (CC7.5/CC8.5) in Mystery and Suspense Unit- Kelsi Moser
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For your project in our Mystery and Suspense unit you will have a choice of one of the following options that can be completed individually, in pairs, or in small groups (no more than 3). No matter what option you choose you will be required to write a project proposal and submit it to Ms. Moser before moving on to creating it. Use your “Recipe for a Mystery” sheet to guide you; you will be marked on your ability to include those elements into your original creation. Your choices are:

English Language Arts
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Grade 7 Curriculum Supports - Saskatchewan Rivers Public School Division No.119
0.0 stars

This comprehensive resource from Saskatchewan Rivers Public School Division includes units of study plus curricular and assessment resources for Grade 7 Arts Education, ELA, Health Education, Physical Education, Career Education, Practical and Applied Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. Look for rubrics, vocabulary lists, summarized outcomes, unit plans, sample year plans (and templates), Treaty Education outcomes and indicators as well lots of other teacher resources. Some of the information is not available as a login is required.

Arts Education
Career & Work Exploration
English Language Arts
Health & Fitness
Health Education
Physical Education
Practical & Applied Arts
Social Studies
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Saskatchewan Rivers Public School Division
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Grade 7 ELA Module 1
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0.0 stars

In this 8 eight-week module, students explore the experiences of people of Southern Sudan during and after the Second Sudanese Civil War. They build proficiency in using textual evidence to support ideas in their writing, both in shorter responses and in an extended essay. In Unit 1, students begin the novel A Long Walk to Water (720L) by Linda Sue Park. Students will read closely to practice citing evidence and drawing inferences from this compelling text as they begin to analyze and contrast the points of view of the two central characters, Salva and Nya. They also will read informational text to gather evidence on the perspectives of the Dinka and Nuer tribes of Southern Sudan. In Unit 2, students will read the remainder of the novel, focusing on the commonalities between Salva and Nya in relation to the novel’s theme: how individuals survive in challenging environments. (The main characters’ journeys are fraught with challenges imposed by the environment, including the lack of safe drinking water, threats posed by animals, and the constant scarcity of food. They are also challenged by political and social environments.). As in Unit 1, students will read this literature closely alongside complex informational texts (focusing on background on Sudan and factual accounts of the experiences of refugees from the Second Sudanese Civil War). Unit 2 culminates with a literary analysis essay about the theme of survival. Unit 3 brings students back to a deep exploration of character and point of view: students will combine their research about Sudan with specific quotes from A Long Walk to Water as they craft a two-voice poem, comparing and contrasting the points of view of the two main characters, Salva and Nya,. The two-voice poem gives students an opportunity to use both their analysis of the characters and theme in the novel and their research about the experiences of the people of Southern Sudan during the Second Sudanese Civil War.

Find the rest of the EngageNY ELA resources at https://archive.org/details/engageny-ela-archive .

English Language Arts
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Grade 7 ELA Module 2A
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In this module, students explore the issue of working conditions, both historical and modern day. As they read and discuss both literary and informational text, students analyze how people, settings, and events interact in a text and how an author develops a central claim. Students strengthen their ability to discuss specific passages from a text with a partner, write extended text-based argument and informational pieces, and conduct a short research project. At the end of the module, students will have a better understanding of how working conditions affect workers and the role that workers, the government, consumers, and businesses play in improving working conditions. The first unit focuses on Lyddie, a novel that tells the story of a young girl who goes to work in the Lowell mills, and explores the issue of working conditions in industrializing America. This unit builds students’ background knowledge about working conditions and how they affect workers, and centers on the standard RL.7.3, which is about how plot, character, and setting interact in literature. As an end of unit assessment, students write an argument essay about Lyddie’s choices regarding her participation in the protest over working conditions. The second unit moves to more recent history and considers the role that workers, the government, and consumers all play in improving working conditions. The central text in Unit 2 is a speech by César Chávez, in which he explains how the United Farm Workers empowered farmworkers. Unit 2 focuses on reading informational text, and students practice identifying central ideas in a text, analyzing how an author develops his claims, and identifying how the sections of the text combine to build those ideas. This unit intentionally builds on Odell Education’s work, and if teachers have already used the Chávez speech and lessons, an alternate text is suggested with which to teach the same informational text standards. In the End of Unit 2 Assessment, students apply their understanding of text structure to a new speech. Unit 3 focuses on the research standards (W.7.7 and W.7.8): through an investigation of working conditions in the modern day garment industry, students explore how businesses can affect working conditions, both positively and negatively. As a final performance task, students create a consumer’s guide to working conditions in the garment industry. This teenage consumer’s guide provides an overview of working conditions and offers advice to consumers who are interested in working conditions in the garment industry.

Find the rest of the EngageNY ELA resources at https://archive.org/details/engageny-ela-archive .

English Language Arts
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Grade 7 ELA Module 2B
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In this module, students explore the concept of personal identity formation and transformation in both historical and modern-day societies. The module begins with an overview of what “identity” means and how it can mean different things to different people. In Unit 1, students read first-person narratives that focus on various social identifiers—from race to gender to socioeconomic status—as they begin to frame their understanding of what identity means. Students read informational text, identifying central ideas, analyzing how an author develops his or her claims, and identifying how the sections of the text interact to form those ideas.

English Language Arts
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Grade 7 ELA Module 3
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In this eight-week module, students explore the life of Frederick Douglass, the escaped slave and noted abolitionist who wrote Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. The module focuses on the questions of what makes stories powerful and on understanding an author’s purpose. In addition, students analyze how writers use figurative language and word choice to convey meaning.

Find the rest of the EngageNY ELA resources at https://archive.org/details/engageny-ela-archive .

English Language Arts
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Grade 7 ELA Module 4A
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This eight-week module focuses on a “science and society” topic, engaging students in reading compelling informational text about adolescent brain development and the effects of entertainment screen time on the brain.

In Unit 1, students first read various texts that will build their background knowledge about adolescent brain development in general. Their learning will center around three areas of the brain, namely the prefrontal cortex, the limbic system, and the developing neurons. Students determine main ideas and evidence in diverse media and clarify their learning about this complex content. Then they begin to focus on the issue of screen time and how it may affect teenagers.

Find the rest of the EngageNY ELA resources at https://archive.org/details/engageny-ela-archive .

English Language Arts
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Grade 7 ELA Module 4B
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This eight-week module focuses on a “science and society” topic, engaging students in reading compelling informational text about water sustainability, fresh water management, and how to make evidence-based decisions. In Unit 1, students read the article “Water Is Life” by Barbara Kingsolver as well as excerpts from The Big Thirst by Charles Fishman to build background knowledge about water sustainability and water management. Students determine main ideas and evidence in diverse media and clarify the issue of why humans need to manage water better. They also trace arguments and evaluate the soundness of reasoning and the sufficiency and relevancy of evidence in the texts and media that they engage with in this unit. In Unit 2, students participate in a robust research project in which they investigate the strategies of better agricultural and industrial water management. This research begins with students reading more excerpts from The Big Thirst to scaffold their research skills. Then students conduct internet-based research. To organize their research sources and information, students use a researcher’s notebook. Once they have finished gathering information, students analyze the impact of water management strategies.

Find the rest of the EngageNY ELA resources at https://archive.org/details/engageny-ela-archive .

English Language Arts
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Grade 7 Pacific Rim Year Long PBL
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This project is a year long in-depth inquiry project into the Pacific Rim Region and is fully based on the grade seven social studies curriculum. It does not function as a curriculum replacement but as a "vehicle" to learn the suggested concepts and strategies. The difference is that in this type of approach, you have an individual connection to a region. The project will connect to real-world issues by exploring how geographical features, climate, and available resources influence different Pacific Rim countries, both historically and now. Throughout the entire year it is always easy for you to see the importance and practicality of learning such skills.

Arts Education
Career & Work Exploration
English Language Arts
Indigenous Perspectives
Social Studies
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Kirsten McLean
Jade Ballek
Lance Morrison
Shauna George
Megan Korchinski
Garrett Bailey
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Grade 7 Reading Assessment Exemplars
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Grade 7 Reading Response Exemplars that can be used to support the Grade 7 Reading Assessment (RAD) or with teaching reader response skills with your students. These exemplars can also be used to help co-create criteria or support self-assessment processes in your classrooms.

English Language Arts
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Arlene Low
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Grade 7 Student Writing Sample on a Long-Term Goal
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This detailed writing sample was written by a Grade 7 student at Eston Composite School.  The author discusses the importance of goals, shares their life goals, and explains the importance of breaking the goals down to achieve them. 

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Primary Source
Melissa Lander
Kailyn Smith
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Grade 8 & 9 ELA
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The following lesson plan focuses on collaboration mostly but also engages students with an aspect of critical thinking.

English Language Arts
Sun West School Division
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Grade 8 ELA: Adventure & Adventurers
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Life offers us much opportunity for adventure and suspense. We can climb mountains, sail around the world, journey to faraway places, or travel through space. We can become explorers and adventurers. We can enjoy the challenge and overcome our fears and, with courage and determination, try something new. Sometimes we succeed and conquer. Other times we may fail to live up to the challenge but learn an unexpected lesson. The victories and the lessons remind us that all of life’s adventures must be kept in perspective.
The unit is organized around three focus questions with sample lessons and suggested resources included. Time allocations given are approximations only. Teachers can choose to spend more or less time on each lesson depending on the needs and interests of their students.

English Language Arts
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Grade 8 ELA Module 1
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In this module, students will develop their ability to read and understand complex text as they consider the challenges of fictional and real refugees. In the first unit, students will begin Inside Out & Back Again, by Thanhha Lai, analyzing how critical incidents reveal the dynamic nature of the main character, Ha, a 10-year-old Vietnamese girl whose family is deciding whether to flee during the fall of Saigon. The novel, poignantly told in free verse, will challenge students to consider the impact of specific word choice on tone and meaning. Students will build their ability to infer and analyze text, both in discussion and through writing. They then will read informational text to learn more about the history of war in Vietnam, and the specific historical context of Ha’s family’s struggle during the fall of Saigon. In Unit 2, students will build knowledge about refugees’ search for a place to call home. They will read informational texts that convey universal themes of refugees’

Find the rest of the EngageNY ELA resources at https://archive.org/details/engageny-ela-archive .

English Language Arts
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