This is a database of lessons and units searchable by content and …
This is a database of lessons and units searchable by content and cultural standards, cultural region and grade level.
Included are lessons and units on: Whouy Sze Kuinalth - "Teaching Our Many Grandchildren" Tauhna Cauyalitahtug - (To Make a Drum) Math Story Problems St. Lawrence Island Rain Parka Winds and Weather Willow Driftwood Snowshoes Moose Plants of the Tundra Animal Classification for Yup'ik Region Rabbit Snaring The Right Tool for the Job - Fishing Tools and Technology Blackfish Family Tree Medicinal Plants of the Kodiak Alutiiq Archipelago Beaver in Interior Alaska Digging and Preparing Spruce Roots Moose in Interior Alaska Birds Around the Village Dog Salmon
This site also has the "Handbook for Culturally Responsive Science Curriculum".
Provided by the Government of Saskatchewan to the University of Regina, this …
Provided by the Government of Saskatchewan to the University of Regina, this is a Cree Language Learning resource that one can download and use for free. The comprehensive resource includes chapters on dialects, many grammatical topics, expressions, vocabulary and much more.
Orange Shirt Day and what is now called 'The National Day for …
Orange Shirt Day and what is now called 'The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is coming up on September 30. Here is a free resource for educators and parents of children learning and participating in Orange Shirt Day. A coloring page can be a simple tool to engage children and gives them an additional way to show their support as they learn about why orange shirt day is so important. Coloring has been proven to have the ability to help relieve stress, generate mindfulness, engage active listening and help with the processing of emotions. And don't forget, coloring isn't just for kids!
« Suivez le filon de l'histoire des mots! Jouez avec la racine …
« Suivez le filon de l'histoire des mots! Jouez avec la racine des mots et visionnez des vidéos pour mieux comprendre des concepts en histoire...
Avec ses 30 racines illustrées, ses 10 vidéos ludiques et ses activités variées, la ressource Filon vise à familiariser les étudiants et étudiantes avec les racines des mots et à favoriser une meilleure compréhension de concepts courants dans la discipline histoire, et en sciences humaines plus généralement.
Filon s’organise autour de quatre terrains de jeu »:
-Former des mots (découvrir les 30 racines communes) -Découper des mots (reconnaître les racines dans des mots proposés) -Visionner des vidéos (l'évolution historique de certains mots)* -Trouver les mots (décliner les termes vus et chercher d'autres)
*Une des vidéos traite de l'histoire coloniale et ainsi de l'étymologie de certains termes parmi la multitude de mots autochtones qui ont infiltré les langues européens.
Les matériaux sont aussi disponibles sous form de documents téléchargeables.
« Étudier l’étymologie, c’est étudier l’histoire, et étudier l’histoire, c’est étudier les mots.»
FirstVoices is a suite of web-based tools and services designed to support …
FirstVoices is a suite of web-based tools and services designed to support Indigenous people engaged in language archiving, language teaching and culture revitalization. This site provides information on a large number of native First Nations languages with opportunities to: 1. Learn Our Language, including: PART OF SPEECH Pronunciation (audio) Definitions (in English) Related Phrases 2. Play a Game (interactive games using the First Nations languages) 3. Photo Gallery 4. Kids Portal (with words, phrases, games, stories and songs)
Teachers understand that there are many layers of content, outcomes, skills, and …
Teachers understand that there are many layers of content, outcomes, skills, and experiences that our students require throughout their educational journey to become competent 21st century learners. Teachers have must dos, such as curricular outcomes and assessment, but there are also many additional elements to provide enrichment to learning for students. All of these layers can become overwhelming if only considered from the perspective of teaching these elements in silos. GAP or Grade Alike Planning in Sun West has offered opportunities to teachers to reimagine these elements by infusing them together. The GAP Infusion Poster illustrates a visual of this philosophy where many elements are blended thoughtfully together to meet many learning outcomes, provide many opportunities, and give students' voice and choice in their learning by exploring their interests and learning needs.
Socially-based Curriculum Unit This unit, developed for ENG3E (English, Grade 11, Workplace …
Socially-based Curriculum Unit
This unit, developed for ENG3E (English, Grade 11, Workplace Preparation - Ontario), uses W.P. Kinsella’s short story anthology Dance Me Outside for a study of the past and present treatment of Natives in Canada, but also for an understanding of the behaviour of non-Natives.
The big ideas that students will understand include: tolerance, awareness, and acceptance of Native culture. The key knowledge concepts include: - learning about different types of values and value systems as they apply to individuals and different cultures; - learning more about the definitions of stereotypes, discrimination and racism as they apply to the stories studied; - learning about standard and non-standard language usage and their place in different societies; - differentiating between connotation and denotation.
Skills that the students will learn as a result of this unit include reading for meaning and analysis, and critical thinking skills.
The unit culminates in a comparison of the book with its film adaptation.
This resource was designed in collaboration with Nakota people from the Ocean …
This resource was designed in collaboration with Nakota people from the Ocean Man, Pheasant Rump, and White Bear First Nations, and with storytelling by Shay McArthur, a Nakota speaker from White Bear First Nation. Designed for teachers of three-, four-, and five-year-old children, this activity opens with Nakota instructions for movement, gathering, and active listening. An imbedded video of a Nakota story can be followed up with discussion questions (provided), and a related link.This is an ongoing project which received funding from the ESSP--Early Years Cultural Project. More stories to come.
The Indigenous Voices and Reconciliation learning channel aims to engage learners in …
The Indigenous Voices and Reconciliation learning channel aims to engage learners in discussions about Canada’s colonial history and its impact on Indigenous communities. Explore our collection of films by distinguished Indigenous filmmakers, creators, and allies.
Une collection de ressources linguistiques proposées par le Bureau de la traduction …
Une collection de ressources linguistiques proposées par le Bureau de la traduction du Canada et utiles surtout aux élèves et enseignant.e.s au niveau secondaire, ainsi qu'aux parents et familles.Le site offre aussi des lexiques, dictionnaires et ressources pour la rédaction en langues autochtones.
This site, hosted by the Lac La Ronge Indian Band, offers many …
This site, hosted by the Lac La Ronge Indian Band, offers many opportunities for students to gain proficiency in the Cree language through: - interactive activities to help learn Cree - songs and audio in Cree - instructional videos for learning Cree (on FaceBook)
The resource was designed for anyone who teaches Mi’kmaw history, culture and …
The resource was designed for anyone who teaches Mi’kmaw history, culture and knowledge. Through the stories and knowledge of Mi’kmaw Elders, educators, and other experts, this volume will share content and teaching strategies for three subject areas for grades primary to nine: - Welo'ltimk—Healing - Kejitasimkewey Kiskuk—Contemporary Issues - Netukulimk—Economic, Social, and Political Life
The content and strategies are grouped into three age ranges, Primary to Grade 3, Grades 4 to 6, and Grades 7 to 9, with specific topics shown below. For each topic, educators will find: • core themes and issues • an opening activity(ies) • a core activity • extension activities • curriculum outcomes
The downloadable resource and companion materials offer the following lessons and activities: Primary to Grade 3: Expressing Emotion, Mawio’mi (gathering), Msit No’kmaq (we are all related) Grades 4 to 6: Diversity and Awareness, Treaties, Traditional Knowledge Grades 7 to 9: Indian Residential School, Land Loss and Displacement, Netukulimk and Mi’kma’ki
Métis culture will continue to be lived and celebrated when we pass …
Métis culture will continue to be lived and celebrated when we pass our knowledge on to the generations who follow us. Everyone is on a learning journey. While exploring historical and contemporary Métis ways of knowing and doing, these learning packages provide knowledge and understanding for students and teachers. Topics include: Traditional Harvesting Methods, Geographical Terms, Music and Dance, Conversational Michif, Beading, and Traditional Foods. The lesson plans and videos highlight Knowledge Keepers walking in the tall prairie grass, Elders preparing la galette (bannock), students learning Michif numbers, and family greeting each other for tea. We hope these resources will assist you in your learning.
All Nations Hope Network, Saskatchewan has created a resource for the sacred …
All Nations Hope Network, Saskatchewan has created a resource for the sacred story of the Mistasiniy including background information into story telling from generation to generation. The atayohkewina (sacred story) is presented with both English and Cree. The sacred telling of Buffalo Child, is a living narrative of how Buffalo Child stone (Mistasiniy) came into being. We follow the life story of a little boy called Buffalo Child, as he transitions into manhood within the embrace of his buffalo family. In this âtayôhkewina - sacred story, we trace Buffalo Child’s transformation as a human and into a four legged being, finally his manifestation into stone. The sacred telling ends in the demise of Mistasiniy.
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